

老实说忘记那些讨厌我的人!我得到了部mmed but Dame was loyal. He made it clear to the front office that he wanted to be able to fight for a championship here in Portland. He told them they need to make moves on veteran help now.

It is well into free agency and the only moves that have been made are: resigning Grant for too much money and drafting with all 3 picks not trading a single one of them.

They asked Dame to sit out so they could tank under the lie "We are committed to building a contender around dame." Dame’s loyalty was yet again met with inaction. Maybe the trade wasn’t there who knows. And I can only wonder what was said at that meeting with Cronin, Dame, and Aaron Goodwin post draft.

However, Dame’s tenure at Portland has shown he is a man of his word and he said no more 19 year olds and wasn’t bluffing. He has said he wanted to stay in Portland and I believe that too. The letter O has stuck it out this long and when he asked for that loyalty in return he got disrespected.

He was handed not one but two more "19 year olds" and another 22 year old rookie. Given the choice of narrative between "dame gave up on Portland" or the " Joe Cronin was always planning the rebuild" narrative my money says that Joe is the one screwing someone over here not Dame. Joe’s just lashing out now because Dame called his bluff and as always stuck to his word.

As a blazers fan I am bummed that the organization didn’t choose to do enough to keep him. I hope Dame gets to Miami and wins a couple chips. He’s one of the greatest of all time and I hope he gets to prove that shit.

However, I hope the blazers fans don’t get hung out to dry on this deal. I think Aaron Goodwin should have been calling around to get a three way trade home for Tyler Herro getting this deal done. Instead he’s telling teams not to trade for an unhappy Dame.

Joe Cronin needs to do his job and try to figure out how to capitalize on this and not screw over blazers fans even more on the way out. Send Dame where he wants to go he’s earned and if Joe is any good at his job we won’t get completely raked over the coals. This deal sucks for Portland no matter which way you spin it but the future is bright. Scoot and Shaedon are gonna be at minimum fun to watch.