据报道,波特兰开拓者队随后召开了一场球员专属会议周三晚上输给亚特兰大老鹰队这是球队目前6场客场之旅4场比赛中的第三场失利。杰森快速的在俄勒冈州的报告...----------------------- 开拓者92 - 89损失后举行的球员会议在Atl。拉马库斯·阿尔德里奇要求媒体在更衣室外,这样球队就可以谈话了。与阿尔德里奇、[贾马尔]克劳福德和[韦斯利]马修斯谈过。会议的要点是球员们非常喜欢彼此,他们不需要对彼此负责。这次会议是在教练内特·麦克米兰告诉媒体他的球队打得不够努力之后举行的。-----------------------这是他的完整的报告。约翰-霍林格的ESPN.com报告...-----------------------开拓者的更衣室在赛后关闭了很长时间。说他们在讨论一些事情,球员和教练。-----------------------克里斯·海恩斯的CSNNW.com报告...-----------------------比赛结束后,球员们举行了一次球员会议,大约持续了5-10分钟,媒体才被允许进入。-----------------------开拓者队举行了一次球员会议继2010年11月连续第三次亏损之后。会议之后又发生了三次道路损失。——本·格列佛| benjamin.golliver@gmail.com |推特
这是一个冒险的旅程埃里克•弗里曼的球不要说谎他假装前波特兰开拓者队的大个子厄尔·巴伦实际上是巴伦伯爵的笔迹一封模拟信给他在英国的妹妹与金州勇士队签约。---------------------------------- 我知道小港口土地到来之前。等待着我的,可以被形容为,在罪恶的巢穴中,英格兰幸福的一小口袋。郁郁葱葱的草木环绕着小镇,放眼望去,到处都是肥肥的家禽。波特兰的居民们穿着维多利亚时代最好的衣服,因为崇拜我们这个时代最先进的技术而被称为“蒸朋克”。剧团本身也同样令人愉快。老板保罗·艾伦先生靠加机器发家。他欢迎我登上他的利维坦休闲游艇,并为我提供了篮球赛季的二百七十七分之一。这段经历我不会很快忘记。我们的船长布兰登·罗伊先生以皇家海军军官应有的沉着和活力带领着我们。 (Mr. Roy's name and carriage caused me to believe him the lost Dauphin, but others claimed he hailed from a nearby Emerald City.) The only demerit of the arrangement, apart from Port Land's reliance on coffee and not tea, was the presence of the spectre of Mr. Gregory Oden, who haunted the hallways like the madwoman in the attic of Miss Charlotte Bronte's novel Jane Eyre. (Have you read this volume with Mistress Haversham? Miss Bronte is a friendly acquaintance and quite talented, perhaps even more so than her sisters Emily and Anne. I must introduce to the lovely trio upon my return.) Sadly, this employment was cut as short as my tenures in Phoenix and Milwaukee. Upon completion of the basketballing campaign, the Association of National Basketball's owners barred their basketballers for forming a workers' union. As a man of esteem, I gladly supported the owners' enterprise and attempted to join their fight. As if controlled by a pack of sustenance farmers, union strongmen Mr. William Hunter, Esq. and Mr. Derek Fisher penalized me for my actions and prevented me from plying my trade. Disconsolate, I loafed around Port Land hoping to find work as a merchant, but had no luck. ---------------------------------- Barron came to training camp with the Blazers but was released after the free agent signings of Kurt Thomas, Craig Smith and Jamal Crawford created a numbers crunch. Barron was unable to beat out Chris Johnson for the fifteenth and final roster spot and was12月20日放弃。——本·格列佛| benjamin.golliver@gmail.com |推特
来自BobCatsPlanet的John Pettice非常善良,他把原来只有橙色和蓝色的Crash the Boards T换成了更波特兰友好的颜色。这设计得太好了,不能不在波特兰使用,我自己也要买一台。我想你们可能会感兴趣。