
Another reason to appreciate 'Pounding the Rock': The Lexicon


No doubt I'm the last to discover it, but I am indeed laughing out loud. "Tim Kness(Mr. Kness: fictitious equipment manager for the Spurs) - This one by Manu-20 took on a life of its own. Literally. A man was invented in response to his unnecessary capitalization and doubling of the wrong letter. "jump shooing- It's the summer after Blair's rookie season and grego21 is concerned for the Beast's development of his ability to leave his feet and effectively make people leave the area. Either that, or he inadvertently omitted a "t". It's one or the other."

oh the irony


and painful memories. sheesh

Rolo talks with Rome


Our big-haired center's Rome interviw

Gary Payton talks about Dwight Howard


The article mentions LaMarcus Aldridge saying something not so nice about Howard (they include a link). How did I not see this before?

Dame Art: Half Man- Half Machine


Artist draws NBA players as their nicknames. Dame's is at the bottom. Pure Awesomeness.

Blazers 4th Quarters


No link but I didn't think it was worth a full fan post.

-When leading after 3 quarters:Outscoring opponent 119-115 in 4th (5-0 record)

-When tied after 3 quarters:Being outscored 68-86 in 4th (0-3 record)

-When trailing after 3 quarters:Outscoring opponent 92-40 in 4th (3-0 record)

Weitzman: The balance of power is changing in the NBA's Western Conference


It's early, but none of the pre-season favorites are tops seeds.