密尔沃基雄鹿队击败作家Gery Woelfel的JournalTimes.com报告波特兰径燃烧器可能对奥兰多魔术全明星中心德怀特怀特怀特怀特·霍华德的交易感兴趣。------------------------------------ ScuttleButt是奥兰多,可能位于交易全世界中心德怀特霍华德的边缘。一支队伍interested in taking Howard off the Magic’s hands, including Portland and Houston . Portland is in position to offer the Magic their two top 10 draft picks — Nos. 6 and 11 — along with a couple of players. The Rockets also have three top 18 picks — Nos. 14, 16 and 18 — at their disposal." -------------------------- Howard is entering the final year of his contract and has made it clear over the last year that he will not sign an extension if he's traded to a team that isn't on his approved list.编辑过的文字,被挤到了头版
“…54 seconds into the first quarter, Wells got into an altercation with a DongGuan player, which resulted in him berating an official. Wells’ behavior caused a stoppage in the action and made a commotion on the court. After a few minutes, Wells was ejected by the referee and the game resumed. But Wells gave no mind towards his orders to leave the court. Instead of going to the locker room, he casually took a seat by the court and enjoyed the rest of the game with the crowd."
《体育画报》资深作家杰克·麦卡勒姆撰写的《梦之队》http://www.businessinsider.com/clyde-drexler-sorry-magic-johnson-dream-team-2012-6休斯顿火箭队用Chase Budinger交易到明尼苏达森林狼以获得18号选秀权。证实。
乔纳森Givony @DraftExpress有趣。我知道他们想在奥兰多重新开始。话虽如此,他将是奥尔希的一个可靠的助理总经理候选人。为什么?好吧,他有在选秀顶端和有天赋的大个子打交道的经验,他选择了阿隆佐·莫宁和乔·史密斯。我可以给你另一个意见,不管是德拉蒙德还是莱纳德。他也曾以自由球员的身份将传奇射手马克·普莱斯签入勇士队,并帮助他以投篮教练的身份与魔术队签约。谁是我理想的射击教练人选,也许沃瓦德季克能把他引过来。说到诱惑,他也是让布兰登·马龙作为助理教练签下奥兰多的那支球队的一员——查克·戴利(Chuck Daly)教练树下的一位伟大的助理教练,如果我们能让他的儿子迈克尔·马龙当主教练,我很想在这里见到他。沃德济克可以让比尔·沃尔顿在阿尔德里奇和像德拉蒙德或伦纳德这样的年轻中锋的带领下做一些训练。 Same goes for him trying to get Lionel Hollins away from the Grizzlies in 2013(If we don't go the Malone route). Hollins has connections w/Mark Price who he worked with in Memphis. Bob Gross as an off guard coach ?!? Uitilize Lloyd Neal as an asset to keep players out of tax trouble? Hope you see where I am going, we need to make use of our legendary 77' Blazers, they can help lead us back to the promise land. In short, the dude has some player personnel experience & some good coaching connections. Hope Olshey considers him.