同意波特兰开拓者前锋尼古拉斯·巴图姆的年薪达不到1000万美元。------------------------------- 凯西Mabbott:一句话……没有。看到巴图姆离开,许多开拓者球迷会感到难过,但事实是,这支球队本来可以选择与他签一份现实的合同,但却失败了,现在他们必须接受自己的赌博,而不是花钱摆脱困境。这支球队所能做的最糟糕的事情就是与雷蒙德·费尔顿续约,第二糟糕的事情是与巴图姆的疯狂报价相匹配,并且犯同样的错误,他们执着于奥登的梦想。巴图姆是一名出色的防守者,一名首发级别的球员,但仍处于项目模式,可能缺乏心理韧性。这值开拓者800 - 1000万的薪金空间吗?不。安东尼·布罗拉:巴图姆显然不是一个球队球员,但他是赢得总冠军的必要组成部分。因此,他一个赛季应该得到600万到800万美元,而不是900万到1100万美元。不要误会我的意思。 Batum is a nice player. I love his potential, as I’ve even raved about before in a previous column. I don’t buy him as that kind of player, though. If you ask me, there’s a reason those players in Group B have all been traded: because of their contracts. Some trigger happy GM is always ready to make it rain like Lil Wayne and R. Kelly. Just look at DeAndre Jordan, or Gerald Wallace. Are those guys worth $10 million? No. Neither is Batum. And if the Blazers want to keep him, they need to make him realize that, because he’ll soon be an overpaid player not living up to his contract and thus available for trade once the Blazers start losing again. -------------------------------