
格雷格·奥登(Greg Oden)的兄弟被捕后踢出足球队

thebiglead.com 笔记报道说,波特兰开拓者中心格雷格·奥登(Greg Oden)的弟弟安东尼·奥登(Anthony Oden)在过去一年中第二次被捕,并可能被阿肯色大学足球队(University of Arkansas Football Team)踢开,他是进攻性的巡边员。更新(星期一,上午7:10):作为上周这个故事的跟进,Associated Press 报告安东尼·奥登(Anthony Oden)被拉开了阿肯色州足球队。- 本·戈尔弗(Ben Golliver)|benjamin.golliver@gmail.com |Twitter

帕蒂·米尔斯(Patty Mills)参加澳大利亚国家队训练营


Australia has all but ruled out Milwaukee Bucks center Andrew Bogut because of the high cost of insurance he would require but they have announced that Trail Blazers point guard Pat Mills, is in the 24-man ‘Golden Star’ Australian Boomers squad for their upcoming Gold Coast training camp from July 25-29. Australia will play New Zealand in the FIBA Oceania Championship later this summer with the winner advancing to the London Games. Via RealGM and FIBA.com

2011-2012 NBA时间表将于周二发布


Well, this is fairly welcome news with so little going on. Both马克·斯坦ofESPN.com((here) 和Tim Reynoldsof theAssociated Press((here) are reporting that the 2011-2012 NBA schedule will be released this Tuesday. Stein笔记由于停滞不前,由于没有自由代理期,因此它比平常更早发布。我看着一些潜在的圣诞节对决,得出的结论是,自2006-2007赛季以来,波特兰开拓者队很有可能在圣诞节不参加比赛。- 本·戈尔弗(Ben Golliver)|benjamin.golliver@gmail.com |Twitter

Shaquille O'Neal因涉嫌绑架而起诉


在刑事法院作证后,沙奎尔·奥尼尔(Shaquille O'Neal)雇用了帮派成员绑架他,以找到性爱录像带,重罪和前唱片制作人罗伯特·罗斯(Robert Ross)对退休的NBA传奇提起了民事诉讼。虽然奥尼尔尚未对据称参加绑架的七名帮派成员进行刑事审判,但民事诉讼寻求未指定的货币赔偿。奥尼尔(O'Neal)的律师迈克尔·库普(Michael J. Kump)在提起民事诉讼后发表的一份声明中说:“沙奎尔·奥尼尔(Shaquille O'Neal)与罗斯先生结识,试图帮助改变他的生活。可悲的是,罗斯先生滥用了这种友谊一次又一次的。肖奎尔对执法的承诺是众所周知的和记录的。他不会通过回应来尊严这些诽谤性指控。”通过REALGM和洛杉矶时报

唐·纳尔逊(Don Nelson)在T-Wolves主教练空缺中


An unlikely candidate has emerged as a possibility to replace Kurt Rambis in Minnesota -- NBA career wins leader Don Nelson. In a recent press conference, Minnesota GM David Kahn said he wanted a head coach who emphasized an up-tempo and entertaining style, a description that fits Nelson, whose teams have focused on offense in his over 30 years in the NBA, perfectly. Nelson, who is 71, dismissed concerns that his age had become a problem during his last tenure with Golden State: "I'm a lifer," he said. "I love basketball. I don't know how else to put it." He confirmed that he had a 40-minute chat with Kahn last week and the two would probably talk again shortly. Any game Don Nelson coached after Dec 2 would pass Bill Bertka for oldest to coach NBA game. Via RealGM and the StarTribune



埃迪·库里(Eddy Curry)的困境很明显:如果他在停工期间至少减掉了至少40磅,那么由于帕特·莱利(Pat Riley)仍然受到7英尺高的中心的极大吸引,因此热量可能会更新和真正的兴趣。问题是他是否有实现这一挑战的纪律。据报道,库里28岁topped 350 pounds在他三月下旬的锻炼中为热火。在这一点到6月下旬之间,他在几天内再次试镜又进行了高温,他的体重增加了很多,超过20磅。据一位联盟官员称,他进入了锁定,至少超重至少40磅。一位球员消息人士说:“你看着他的射击,他的触感很好。”“他非常熟练。但这是他是否变得更加认真的问题。他还有很长的路要走。”通过Realgm和《迈阿密先驱报》






Let's assume for a moment that the NBA owners care about the fans and want to win the public relations battle against the players. I came up with five things I'd like to see them do to that end.这是我的清单。我错过了什么?如果您在公关方面建议所有者,您的议程将是什么?- 本·戈尔弗(Ben Golliver)|benjamin.golliver@gmail.com |Twitter

尽量不去cry during the lockout, but i can't, lol.


尽量不去cry during the lockout, but i can't, lol.

Aussie sports radio host on the Dave Smith Show


They talk about many things, including Australian contributions to American sports, the Red Sox, Andrew Bogut, and of course, Patty Mills, who on top of being a "controversial" Blazer, is somewhat of a hero down there. Apprently, Patty hails from a little tiny Island off the coast of mainland Australia, with a population of 300 and 1 basketball hoop (note I said hoop, not court) which is used for kicking practice rather than basketball. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, Patty's story would make a pretty good movie.