55.“尽管那个社区可能很粗糙,但我们有一个社区。没有人,没有受害者,谁都不重要。现在我们只有尸体,还有像你这样的掠食者。在那个女孩摔倒的地方,我看到孩子们像奥马尔一样,直呼你的名字,赞美你的屁股。真让我恶心,狗娘养的,我们跌了这么远。”本剧最深刻的时刻之一(邦克抨击奥马尔和他所代表的一切)是第一轮最深刻的时刻:布兰登·罗伊在第四场比赛中不可思议的表现,他把开拓者从落后20分的情况下拉了回来,以惊人的逆转取胜,这场比赛同时也是“第一轮比赛,你最想在这里”,并保证了他能免费参加2011 ESPYS。我曾经写道,真正的体育迷觉得自己有义务看完所有的比赛,希望能抓住一个极其罕见的体育时刻——可能每2500次才会发生一次的事情——我们忍受了另外2499次,因为第2500次可能会有神奇的事情发生。Brandon Roy游戏绝对是第2500次游戏。这是毫无疑问的。我会永远记得看这部电影。 That specific player, in front of those specific fans, at this specific point of his career? I still can't believe it happened. Quick tangent: During the tail end of Larry Bird's career, after his body had betrayed him, my father and I went to a playoff game against Detroit when Bird couldn't hit anything. Then a bird flew from the rafters, parked himself near midcourt and wouldn't leave. The crowd started chanting, "Lar-ree! Lar-ree! Lar-ree!" They got rid of the bird. Larry came out and started making jumpers. A bunch of them. The fans were beside themselves. We won the game. And as we were leaving, my dad looked at me and said, "Did that just happen?" Anyway, it's one thing to watch a game like that on television -- but being in the building for a "Did that just happen?" game. You never forget. You just don't. The Blazers may have lost in Round 1, but their fans will always have that game.
我知道开拓者也有自己的中锋问题,但有趣的是:丹佛掘金中锋内内可以在今年夏天跳出合同,《丹佛邮报》报道说,这位6尺11寸的巴西人正在“强烈考虑”这样做,即使下一个集体谈判协议的状态仍然未知。这位28岁的球员还有一个赛季的6年6000万美元的合同,下赛季将为他带来1200万美元的合同,但这可能不足以让内内留在Mile High City。据《华盛顿邮报》报道,内内说:“我在这里工作了9年。“如果没有如你所愿,你需要坐下来评估一切,看看你能做些什么。”上赛季,他场均14.5分、7.6个篮板、2次助攻和1次盖帽。