幕后观察从开始到结束在布兰登·罗伊的盛大的星期四…-----------------------这不是罗伊和我第一次走这条路了。本赛季早些时候在孟菲斯,他发泄了球队的组成,实际上是说安德烈米勒不适合。结果,麦克米兰第二天打电话给我,听了整个采访,最后,罗伊向达拉斯的车队道歉。所以在周二,当罗伊放松的时候,他知道自己在做什么。我认为这是多年来形成的某种信任因素。罗伊周五承认:“我说了之后,我就想,‘哦,明天这可能会是一个大事件。’”甚至说到一半。但我想,好吧,我已经说了这么多了。但我很快就意识到这将是一件大事。 "But sometimes great things come out of difficult situations," Roy said. "It was a difficult situation, but after saying it, it was like, I can't change it, but now the hope is to look back and say, 'Wow, we did this after that.' And that's kind of the goal and hope that the mentality of the team is like, OK it was tough, there was some adversity, but let's try to make something good out of it." -----------------------