今晚在开车回家的路上,比赛在95.5频道才刚刚开始,但在1080频道,Isaac和Suke采访了前开拓者的总经理。不幸的是,负责球迷档案的人晚了几天,所以如果你错过了采访(因为你像一个好的开拓者球迷一样听Wheels),那么你只能读我3小时前的记忆了。每当他们发布播客时,我强烈建议每个人都听一听。首先,复活节那天史蒂夫在胡德山滑雪时伤了膝盖,所以他最近自己也做了膝盖手术。他们问他关于2006年的选秀,开拓者当时是否担心罗伊的膝盖。令人惊讶的是,帕特森说开拓者并不太担心布兰登的膝盖,但他有平足和内翻的脚踝。4年多过去了,这是我第一次听说这件事。然后史蒂夫给出了基本的免责声明:每支球队如何在选秀大会前对任何高顺位选秀权做功课。队医会看x光片,联盟会给他们做体检,等等。然后他被问及罗伊的续约问题——在5年8000万美元的合同之前,球队是否会对球员进行另一次体检?帕特森说,这些球员在球队中已经很有名了,没有太多的意义。每年有9个月的时间,他们在每次训练时都能看到这些人,他们的健康状况没有任何秘密。 If something happens during the offseason, the player is bound by his contract to immediately report it to the team, etc. He also mentioned a couple of NBA players who had no cartilage in their knees and still played for many years at a high level (Kenny "the Jet" Smith and Nick van Exel) The doctors said that NVE had the knees of an 80 year-old, and it all depends on how a player keeps his quads in shape and how high of a threshold to pain they have as individuals. This gave me hope that perhaps reports of Roy's career demise may have been exaggerated. But there are no guarantees. If its just a bone bruise then Brandon could be back after a couple of weeks of rest and playing as well as he has for the last few years. Hopefully this is the case. Steve spoke well of Dr. Roberts and the Blazer trainers during the interview. He said that any criticism that they have received re: so many Portland players being injured is unfounded, the staff is one of the best in the NBA, etc. Patterson was also asked about Oden. He said he thought that prior to the 2007 draft that Greg was an injury risk and that he was in favor of selecting Durant at the time, because of these concerns (believe it, or don't) That's all I can remember, but it was a significant 10 minute interview that is well worth checking out on the 1080 website in a few days. I know that Patterson was snarky during his tenure as Blazer's GM, but he's been around the league forever and he's still a source of NBA info based on that experience. He doesn't seem to mind sharing his Blazer recollections from a difficult period in the team's history. Hopefully someday after his Portland contract expires, KP will be able to do the same, on the record.
波特兰开拓者队在周二下午向媒体发送了以下短信。----------------------------开拓者后卫布兰登·罗伊因左膝受伤将于周三在波特兰接受核磁共振检查。---------------------------- -- 本Golliver benjamin.golliver@gmail.com | |推特
《在街上有帕蒂蛋糕》的第二部已经出版了,帕蒂和特邀记者“帕特·斯塔克斯”一起。他们讨论了鲻鱼发型,在塔吉特(Target)而不是路易威登(Louis Vuitton)购物,还偶遇了韦斯利·马修斯(Wesley Matthews)。
前KGW体育迷,现任ESPN电台主播Colin Cowherd将会在一部发展阶段的情景喜剧中担任制片人。科林牛郎。你要有很多明显的观点,就好像它们来自一个深刻而有洞察力的地方。还有很多关于马克·桑切斯被低估的次要情节。我是说,拜托。科林牛郎? ! ?