
Steve Nash To Miss Entire Season


Ongoing injuries have already ended Steve Nash's season before it started. Since this is the final year of his Laker contract, there's a very strong chance he's already played his last NBA game.

Blazers #8 in SI entertainment ranking


Was there any doubt that Ben would rank the Blazers higher on the entertainment/watchability scale than Simmons and Lowe?

Dante Cunningham wants justice


How often are false accusations of abuse or rape made? "The number of false accusations is what statisticians call a "dark number" -- that is, there is a true number, but it is unknown, and perhaps unknowable...."[1]

Dante Cunningham, unsigned, trying to clear his name.


I know there are two sides and all, and that domestic violence is a HUGE issue in sports right now. But if he is as innocent as the story claims, I feel really bad for him.

Paul Allen donating $100 million to fight Ebola


From the New York Times: "The billionaire Paul G. Allen said on Thursday that he would donate $100 million to the fight against Ebola, which has killed almost 5,000 people so far and crippled Western Africa. The amount roughly quadruples his earlier commitment of about $26 million to nonprofit groups and government agencies like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, making him one of the largest individual donors in the Ebola crisis." Allen has also established a website,, for smaller donations.

Dame is #16 on NBA Rank!


Pretty sweet to be #16 after two seasons. WHY CAN'T THE SEASON START SOONER?!

Lottery Reform Doesn't Pass


I think that this was a good idea too. Too many teams that suck don't want to lose their excuse to keep sucking.