
Camby is out.


According to the Clippers blog, Camby's wings have been 'clipped' and he can't fly.

Pritchard: "We were close, really close" to an Amare deal (Quick article)


Wow. Amare's hurt now so maybe we dodged a bullet, but I'd give a lot to know how much the Suns were asking... would they have done LMA/RLEC or would they have demanded Rudy or Bayless as well?

Blazermania '77 CD page


Can lightning strike twice in Portland ? I just happened on this page with some '77 championship nostalgia. Didn't buy the product, but the page is fascinating by it's self. Yes, I missed it, lived in Calif. at the time. Had to be fantastic for fans and players. Inspirational. Thought some others might enjoy.

Blaze gets dissed in Oregonian's metro section...


I can't say I don't agree with Andy. Blaze is pretty lame.

PER of all plays


How could we have waived this guy! 88.98! The mountain man currently has a PER higher than our entire starting lineup. 2 minutes you say? Bah.

Hawks fans praising the Blazers


Read the comments -- true, they're doing it partly as a way to rip the Hawks, but it's nice to see our team get so much respect from out of town. Lots of teeth-gnashing about not drafting CP3/Deron OR Brandon Roy.

Laker Arrogance


Some things never change.... "There's one thing you can count on, some Western Conference team arising to challenge the Lakers before it's over. Before the decade is over, I mean. Or the decade after that, for sure." I have a pretty good feeling that sometime before the end of the next decade there will be a new Western Conference Champion!

Great translation of Sergio's recent Blog (Reaction to Trades, etc)


I read this and was surprised that it hadn't been posted. It is a great insight into his thoughts and feelings.

Utah Jazz owner passes away


I always remembered him as a really passionate owner when it came to the Jazz. Sounds like his work ethic really flowed through the organization (see: Jerry Sloan). Wonder what this means for the organization? Sale of the team? Or will his family continue to run it.