


no salmons for the blazers...but michael ruffin to the blazers???greatest pick up ever!!!!

BDL 2 v 2: Blazers vs Spurs, FInal Four!


Go vote NOW! The Blazers take on the Spurs in this conference finals match-up.

TrueHoop on Vince Carter


Vince Carter, stat geek favorite?

A laugh from a Toronto blog


But first, Chris Bosh misses his 5th game in a row tonight with a "balky knee". Anyway, blogger Doug Smith talks about the trade deadline and wild speculation, then the traded players' comments about their new team. "Everyone’s glad to be here, they’re going to work hard at both ends of the court and they just want to fit in quickly. Yawn. Snore. Lather, rinse, repeat. What I want to do is show up at one of these bun tosses and hear stuff like this: "You know, I have no idea how I’m going to fit and the coach better get me some touches in a hurry." " Other pithy wished-for comments follow.

good bill simmons podcast, with Hollinger as guest


Deals with all the methodological discussions where most of our arguments hit a dead end. Is quality of player really measurable? Why do we have good stats for measuring some things but not other things that are equally measurable? Which stats are more meaningful than others? Since Simmons considers himself a stats-opponent but obviously pays a lot of attention to Hollinger, Kevin Pelton and the like, this ends up being a very good exploration of the strengths and weaknesses of the current advanced stats landscape.

Sweet Rudy and Sergio Mixtape


It's on Youtube, but the music was removed for copyright purposes (lame) -- you can download it here for free. Definitely worth it, really well done.



Signs of life emerge from Zach Randolph

atthehive's view on the deal


Looks like they have some hope for success this season, and have officially removed themselves from Contender status.

chandler traded for wilcox + joe smith


check it out..good for us or bad? discuss.