
Rookie retrospective on Greg Oden


Nice article detailing some of Oden's limitations and strengths in college and how they have translated to the nba. Hope this helps me stay optimistic as I watch Oden struggle at times.

Five trades that should happen


"Sources say that they have their choice of Wallace, Richard Jefferson or Caron Butler if they're willing to send a few young players and LaFrentz's contract. Wallace, Jefferson and Butler all have their strengths, but for the Blazers' needs, I think Wallace is the best fit." Chad Ford 2/17/09

Amature Makes Good: Another Amar'e Scenario


Scroll waaayyy down. This may be the first time I have seen a pro be impressed with a fan's trade proposal. I like it too. "Griffin in Astoria OR: If Phoenix still wants to trade Amare how does this sound? Ty Thomas, Sergio Rodriguez, Raef LaFrentz to Phoenix; Hinrich and Deng to Portland; Outlaw and Amare to Chicago. Seems plausible right? Bill Ingram: Wow - I actually like that quite a bit for the Blazers. Helps PHX get under the cap, too. I don't think that happens, but it's a great idea."



Someone explain to me how Tony Parker gets an "A", when he scores the same amount of points as Roy off 5 more shots, has less assists and rebounds than Roy? Not like it matters, but just shows the lack of respect in my opinion.

All-Star Weekend Running Diary


That's right folks, we've done it. A running diary of all the events of all star weekend, with a little Kobestoppers flair thrown in for good measure. Read, enjoy, laugh, cry, comment, flag, etc.

What happens if the cap goes down?


Wonder if we can spin it to our advantage? alternatively this may make letting RLEC expire into a very profitable choice with more teams paying tax.

RLEC for Andre Miller?


Good idea? His contract expires after this year.

More Jefferson rumors from Stein at ESPN


-Not really new, but additional confirmation that Jefferson + Ridnour is being discussed. -A claim that Washington is not trading Butler. -A few nuggets about Vince.

Roy Abandons Rudy!!!


This story proves Roy has no concern for his Spanish teamate. What a jerk!