希望这不是本赛季的高潮,因为开拓者刚刚打出了一些惊人的进攻数据。我只是想在这些数据接近联盟平均水平之前记下一些数据。大多数人可能都知道,在与费城人的比赛后,开拓者的场均得分排名第一。他们的进攻效率也是第一,这在与费城人的比赛之前就已经是事实了。现在第一名和第二名(火箭)之间的差距已经扩大到两支球队在进攻端甚至不在同一级别。开拓者(每100回合114.0分)和火箭(每100回合110.2分)之间的差距大于火箭和11号森林狼(每100回合107.0分)之间的差距。所以在与费城人的比赛后,开拓者是联盟中最好的三分球球队。他们以41.9%的三分命中率领跑联盟。他们在三分命中率方面也领跑联盟,尽管他们在同样的场次中比第二名火箭少了68次出手。所有人都在谈论开拓者的三分命中率回到了现实,这可能是有道理的,但与此同时,开拓者故意得到了过去几年联盟中最高产的三个三分射手(马修斯、巴图姆和赖特),甚至没有包括罚球命中率90%以上的利拉德。 Despite being best-known for their 3-point shooting this season, the Blazers are not leading the league in eFG% (FG% adjusted for the extra point from 3-point shooting). They are only 6th because of their average ranking (15th) in 2-point percentage. It's a good thing that eFG% is not the best of their Four Factors then (the four statistical categories that explains 95%+ of a team's win total, which is actually eight factors since one calculates it for both offense and defense). The Blazers are 2nd in the league in offensive rebound percentage, grabbing 30% of their misses. So the Blazers shoot well (6th in eFG%), they don't turn the ball over that much (7th in TOV%), and they grab a lot of their misses (2nd in ORB%); the jump-shooting Blazers are also decent at getting to the free throw line (tied for 11th in FTM/FGA). Okay, that last factor kind of cheats since Portland is second in the league in FT%, increasing the FTM portion of the factor. They are still a decent enough 19th in just getting to the free throw line; shooting well enough to improve the team's ranking from 19th to 11th though is a pretty good thing. It's similar to Portland shooting well enough at the 3-point line to improve from 4th in attempts to 1st in makes. So basically, the Blazers are awesome on offense because they are good at everything and elite at a few things. It's kind of a reflection of the Blazers starters. The lowest PER is Lopez at an above average 16.4 and then you have Aldridge at 8th in the league. Some individual offensive stats to wrap it up: Matthews is 1st in the league in Offensive Rating (individual offensive efficiency not accounting for usage) among players who qualify and third in true shooting percentage, Lopez is 7th in ORtg, Lillard is 18th in ORtg (Mr. Low Traditional FG%), Aldridge is 9th in usage rate and 16th in low turnover rate, and Batum is still chugging along at 11th in true shooting percentage and one of the highest assist rates in the league among forwards.