开拓者的边缘——开拓者的威尔·巴顿因右腿筋拉伤而无法上场 波特兰开拓者队的最终报道和分析 https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/community_logos/47543/blazersedge-fave.png 2012 - 10 - 14 - t22:44:28 07:00 //www.chasebar.com/rss/stream/3240105 2012 - 10 - 14 - t22:44:28 07:00 2012 - 10 - 14 - t22:44:28 07:00 巴顿(腿筋)会回归吗

俄勒冈人的迈克·托基托="http://www.oregonlive.com/blazers/index.ssf/2012/10/will_barton_set_to_debut_for_blazers_but_ronnie_pr.html?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter“target=“\u blank“>报道波特兰开拓者队新秀后卫威尔·巴顿预计将在对阵萨克拉门托国王队的季前赛中首次亮相,因为他的右腿筋拉伤导致他错过了一周多的训练营和上周球队的前两场季前赛。巴顿周日与球队一起训练。





//www.chasebar.com/2012/10/14/3505234/tokito-blazers-g-will-barton-hamstring-expected-to-make-preseason 本Golliver 2012-10-09T14:42:50-07:00 2012-10-09T14:42:50-07:00 巴顿(腿筋)不会第一次出征吗





//www.chasebar.com/2012/10/9/3480714/blazers-g-will-barton-hamstring-will-not-travel-on-first-preseason 本Golliver
2012-10-08T16:22:57-07:00 2012-10-08T16:22:57-07:00 将巴顿(腿筋)退出训练 波特兰开拓者队教练特里·斯托茨说替补后卫威尔·巴顿,一个来自孟菲斯的新秀,在训练营的第一周,他的右腿筋受伤。斯托茨在周一的训练营结束后说:“他上半场就去了,但还是有点困扰他。”当被问及巴顿是否会在周三晚上对阵洛杉矶湖人的季前赛揭幕战中上场时,斯托茨没有做出任何承诺,但听起来不是特别乐观。“我不知道,我们会看到(周二),”Stotts说。“没有时间表。他[星期天]来接受治疗。我今天试过了。这仍然让他恼火。我还没跟教练谈过。我不知道。 I can't give you anything beyond that. I'm sure he'll get treatment. Whether he'll try to go tomorrow, I can't say."

Stotts was asked how deep he planned to go into his rotation on Wednesday. He may or may not have ruled out Barton in the process of answering the question, you decide.

"We've got 18 guys in camp," he said. "Will's hurt, so that's 17. I doubt all 17 will play [on Wednesday]."

The Blazers have not officially announced Barton's injury and Stotts wasn't even sure on Monday whether he wanted to call it a "strain," although he did confirm it was a right hamstring injury. One thing that was clear: Stotts wasn't going to attribute the injury, which occurred on the second day of workouts, to a lack of preparation by a young guard coming into his first training camp.

"I thought he was in good condition," Stotts said. "Will loves to play. In September, he was on the court, he was running up and down. He was in good shape. He's as frustrated as anybody."

If Barton can't go, the reserve two guard minutes will be filled by a committee of Nicolas Batum, Nolan Smith and Ronnie Price. Elliot Williams is not available after undergoing season-ending Achilles surgery.

//www.chasebar.com/2012/10/8/3476066/stotts-blazers-g-will-barton-hamstring-pulled-out-of-monday-practice 本Golliver
2012 - 10 - 04 - t14:24:10 07:00 2012 - 10 - 04 - t14:24:10 07:00 开拓者威尔巴顿(腿筋)每天都在 <图> < img alt = " " src = " https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/-agTtomBEsx1vttH2vYAjAV2t6M=/0x1094:2717x2905/1310x873 cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/690827/20121002_ajw_ad3_017.0.jpg " / > < figcaption >史蒂夫Dykes-US PRESSWIRE——PRESSWIRE < / figcaption > < /图> < p >波特兰开拓者后卫将巴顿是“日常”的拉伤。

In a video interview with Chris Haynes of CSNNW.com,波特兰开拓者队的新秀后卫威尔·巴顿说,他“每天”都在为星期三早上训练营时拉伤的腿筋而烦恼。他周三下午和周四早上都在营地外,他说他“很可能”周四晚上也不去。“希望我能尽快回来,”Barton说。


//www.chasebar.com/2012/10/4/3456986/haynes-blazers-g-will-barton-day-to-day-with-hamstring-strain 本Golliver