开拓者的优势-前开拓者雷蒙德-费尔顿返回波特兰 波特兰径环母线的最终覆盖和分析 https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/community_logos/47543/blazersedge-fave.png. 2013 - 03 - 14 - t02:32:32 07:00 //www.chasebar.com/rss/stream/3871305 2013 - 03 - 14 - t02:32:32 07:00 2013 - 03 - 14 - t02:32:32 07:00 Felton:停摆导致PDX的“不公平情况” <图> “src


弗兰克·伊索拉的纽约每日新闻报告纽约尼克斯队后卫雷蒙德 - 费尔顿认为,他的2011-12赛季与开拓者是一个因为停摆的“不公平的情况。”



“然后我没有形状。我有点放松,因为我不认为我们要有一个赛季。我做了我要做的事。 I felt like I was professional, didn't talk bad about anybody, didn't try to cause any drama even though that was said about me. The only drama that I own up to is that I was out of shape. That's it."

Felton is making his first return trip to the Rose Garden on Thursday.

Earlier Wednesday, Felton issued a warning to "certain people" that should "better not come near me." Later Wednesday, he repeated that warning and called out media "lies" about his relationship with former coach Nate McMillan. He also pointed out that the Blazers are still headed to the 2013 NBA Draft lottery.

Felton's 2011-12 season got off to a slow start when he returned from the lockout in poor condition and it went downhill from there, as he struggled with turnovers and poor outside shooting. In March 2012, Felton was implicated in a "mutiny" against former coach Nate McMillan and hit with the "cancer" tag. In April 2012, Felton welcomed his critics to confront him at his condo and said that criticism of his play and conditioning was a "spit in my face."

The Blazers sign-and-traded him to the Knicks in July 2012. In November 2012, he clarified that it wasn't his intention to eat his way out of Portland.

Last summer, Felton promised to "drop 50" points in his return to Portland.

"I'm a free agent so maybe those bloggers and those people who write won't have to see me again. Maybe they won't, until I'm coming in on the other end and droppin' 50 on 'em. We'll see what happens. Who knows. Still no bad taste in my mouth with Portland. I still got a lot of great relationships there with the owner, management and as well some of the players. Who knows what might happen. I still might go back there. We'll see what happens."

-- Ben Golliver | benjamin.golliver@gmail.com | Twitter

//www.chasebar.com/2013/3/14/4102818/isola-raymond-felton-says-2011-lockout-made-for-unfair-situation 本Golliver
2013 - 03 - 14 - t02:22:34 07:00 2013 - 03 - 14 - t02:22:34 07:00 我不是问题,开拓者是乐透队 纽约尼克斯队后卫雷蒙德·费尔顿评价2012-13赛季波特兰开拓者队的表现。

Marc Berman 纽约邮报 报道纽约尼克斯后卫雷蒙德·费尔顿的第三轮评论,在经历了2011-12赛季惨败的波特兰开拓者后,他将在周四晚上首次回到玫瑰园球场。

周三早些时候,Felton 向"某些人"发出警告,他们应该"最好不要靠近我"。周三晚些时候,他重申了这一警告,并指责媒体对他和前教练内特·麦克米兰的关系是“谎言”。在这里,费尔顿只是想提醒大家,开拓者目前正在追踪2013年NBA选秀的抽签结果。雷蒙德-费尔顿回击了那些诋毁他的波特兰人,他们把他当成了开拓者糟糕停摆赛季的替罪羊。“我在的时候,他们去年没能打进季后赛,”费尔顿在昨晚尼克斯以94 - 117惨败给掘金之前说。“当我最后一次看的时候,我认为他们现在还没有进入季后赛。" < / p > < p >…“我会一直笑,真的,”费尔顿谈到他回到波特兰时说。“现在我很高兴。 I'm back where I want to be. I couldn't care less what they say. It's behind me. I never one time made one excuse. I came in, was out of shape, said that from the beginning, said it the whole time. Anything else they want to say, it's not true.''

Felton's 2011-12 season got off to a slow start when he returned from the lockout in poor condition and it went downhill from there, as he struggled with turnovers and poor outside shooting. In March 2012, Felton was implicated in a "mutiny" against former coach Nate McMillan and hit with the "cancer" tag. In April 2012, Felton welcomed his critics to confront him at his condo and said that criticism of his play and conditioning was a "spit in my face."

The Blazers sign-and-traded him to the Knicks in July 2012. In November 2012, he clarified that it wasn't his intention to eat his way out of Portland.

Last summer, Felton promised to "drop 50" points in his return to Portland.

"I'm a free agent so maybe those bloggers and those people who write won't have to see me again. Maybe they won't, until I'm coming in on the other end and droppin' 50 on 'em. We'll see what happens. Who knows. Still no bad taste in my mouth with Portland. I still got a lot of great relationships there with the owner, management and as well some of the players. Who knows what might happen. I still might go back there. We'll see what happens."

Hat tip: @SportsMediaWrld

-- Ben Golliver | benjamin.golliver@gmail.com | Twitter

//www.chasebar.com/2013/3/14/4102808/berman-raymond-felton-points-out-that-blazers-are-a-lottery-team 本Golliver
2013 - 03 - 13 - t20:08:35 07:00 2013 - 03 - 13 - t20:08:35 07:00 雷蒙德·费尔顿对媒体“谎言”的控诉 <图> < img alt = " " src = " https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/50yg_oDAKIRUe7kOtK8gCzFC1lQ=/0x6:500x339/1310x873 cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/9694793/raymond-felton-cupcake.0.jpg " / > < /图> < p >前开拓者后卫费尔顿睫毛提前在媒体批评他的第一个回程的玫瑰花园星期四。纽约尼克斯队后卫雷蒙德·费尔顿在经历了丑陋的2011-12赛季后,将于周四首次回到玫瑰花园球场,他在周三早上发出了警告,并发表了进一步的评论。周三上午,费尔顿在丹佛告诉记者,“有些人我不想看到,最好不要靠近我。”< / p > < p > < b >的克里斯·海恩斯< / b > < b > CSNNW.com < / b >报告< a href = " http://www.csnnw.com/blog/blazers-talk/felton-looking-forward-rose-garden-return " target = "平等" >费尔顿的最新声明< / >,其中包括断言,他不是一个更衣室不满,自然是不准确的报告。Felton说:“如果他们因为那些负面文章而嘘我,那他们只是在对谎言做出反应。”“所有关于我和教练(麦克米兰)的报道都是错误的。你可以跟我以前效力过的任何球队谈谈,问问我在更衣室里有没有出过问题。我从来没有。我听到他们嘘贾马尔(克劳福德),所以我知道会发生什么。但实际上,我们去年经历了一个艰难的赛季。" < / p > < p >…

When CSNNW.com asked him who he was referring to, he responded by saying, "They know who I was talking about. They better not come by me or ask me a question. I've already let people know. You can't put out lies like that and expect me to talk to you. Please."

Felton's 2011-12 season got off to a slow start when he returned from the lockout in poor condition and it went downhill from there, as he struggled with turnovers and poor outside shooting. In March 2012, Felton was implicated in a "mutiny" against former coach Nate McMillan and hit with the "cancer" tag. In April 2012, Felton welcomed his critics to confront him at his condo and said that criticism of his play and conditioning was a "spit in my face."

The Blazers sign-and-traded him to the Knicks in July 2012. In November 2012, he clarified that it wasn't his intention to eat his way out of Portland.

Jason Quick of The Oregonian also laid into Felton on Wednesday.

Then-coach Nate McMillan tried to be patient with Felton and his mistakes while privately bemoaning his conditioning. Eventually, the season started to slip away, and McMillan couldn't wait any longer. He briefly took away Felton's starting job after the Blazers scored seven points in the first quarter in a loss to the Lakers. And as the turnovers mounted -- eight in one game at New Orleans -- he reeled in the freedom for Felton to run the offense.

Felton grew to dislike McMillan, and made little effort to hide his disdain of the task master from his teammates. It was nothing new to McMillan, who over the years knew he had detractors. He often remarked that much of his job was "putting out fires" in the locker room. But with Felton fanning the flames, the anti-McMillan heat grew too hot. The team quit on the coach, and McMillan was fired on March 15.

-- Ben Golliver | benjamin.golliver@gmail.com | Twitter

//www.chasebar.com/2013/3/13/4102038/haynes-former-blazers-g-raymond-felton-pops-more-shots-before-rose 本Golliver
2013 - 03 - 13 - t11:36:25 07:00 2013 - 03 - 13 - t11:36:25 07:00 费尔顿在玫瑰花园回归前发出警告 <人物> < img alt = " " src = " https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/yEDB4KzxmAYwhyNCFAqlHor-Ong=/0x10:500x343/1310x873 cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/9662877/raymond-felton-cupcake.0.jpg " / > < /图> < p >纽约尼克斯队控球后卫费尔顿将他的第一个周四返回去玫瑰花园。纽约尼克斯的控球后卫雷蒙德·费尔顿在2011-12赛季惨败给波特兰开拓者后,将于周四首次回到玫瑰园球场。他听起来很兴奋。

Al Iannazzone of Newsday reports on Twitter…雷蒙德·费尔顿明天回到波特兰时说:“那里有些人我不想看到,最好不要靠近我。”

Frank Isola of New York Daily News reports on Twitter…< / p > < blockquote > < p >费尔顿回到波特兰前夕说,他短暂的时间与开拓者是“最差的时刻我在篮球肯定”< / p > < p >费尔顿说,他已经与波特兰球迷没有问题,但“某些人我不想看到,最好不要靠近我。”我只是猜测,“某些人”最好不要“接近”波特兰的费尔顿,他们可能是媒体人士。在谈到波特兰可能面临的充满敌意的人群时,雷蒙德·费尔顿说:“我不在乎他们做什么或说什么。这是在我身后。

去年夏天,Felton 承诺在他回到波特兰时"跌50" 。“我是一个自由球员,所以也许那些博主和那些写东西的人不会再见到我了。也许他们不会,直到我在另一端给他们50美元,我们看看会发生什么。谁知道呢。 Still no bad taste in my mouth with Portland. I still got a lot of great relationships there with the owner, management and as well some of the players. Who knows what might happen. I still might go back there. We'll see what happens."

Felton's 2011-12 season got off to a slow start when he returned from the lockout in poor condition and it went downhill from there, as he struggled with turnovers and poor outside shooting. In March 2012, Felton was implicated in a "mutiny" against former coach Nate McMillan and hit with the "cancer" tag. In April 2012, Felton welcomed his critics to confront him at his condo and said that criticism of his play and conditioning was a "spit in my face."

The Blazers sign-and-traded him to the Knicks in July 2012. In November 2012, he clarified that it wasn't his intention to eat his way out of Portland.

-- Ben Golliver | benjamin.golliver@gmail.com | Twitter

//www.chasebar.com/2013/3/13/4099910/former-blazers-g-raymond-felton-discusses-rose-garden-return 本Golliver