开拓者边缘-完全覆盖:勇士103,开拓者88 波特兰开拓者队的最终报道和分析 https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/community_logos/47543/blazersedge-fave.png 2014 - 01 - 26 - t23:31:41喂饲 //www.chasebar.com/rss/stream/5110769 2014 - 01 - 26 - t23:31:41喂饲 2014 - 01 - 26 - t23:31:41喂饲 咖喱炮轰,开拓者炮轰 <图> “”
卡里埃德蒙森-USA TODAY体育



在勇士队开了这游戏双管齐下的攻击。只要有可能他们推波特兰的防守球领先,抓住一个上篮或者跳投关闭二次快攻。当波特兰回来勇士为他们的射手设置画面。如果不能与屏幕打交道,你不能应付勇士和开拓者不能做任何。 Steph Curry didn't just torch Portland in the first half, he immolated them to the tune of 23 points in two periods.

Meanwhile the Blazers began a night-long habit of missing shots. Fatigue may have been a factor. LaMarcus Aldridge's inability to beat the usual steady rhythm with his own offense was certainly another. (Aldridge would finish 2-14 for the game.) The Warriors did a decent job of keeping Portland's starters off of the offensive glass as well. As shots kept missing the Blazers started tightening up. The three-point shot got fragile, leaving the Warriors plenty of incentive to defend in the lane which in turn led to more missed jumpers from the Blazers, creating a cycle of insecurity. The more uncertain the Blazers got the less they moved the ball, trying to break the drought by dominating individual matchups. That's usually a part of Portland's offense but when it becomes the whole shebang the Blazers get into trouble. Aldridge left side and right, Damian Lillard from distance, Wesley Matthews trying to post up or firing threes...none of it worked.

The only bright spot for the Blazers came in the second period when their bench once again ripped the fabric of space and probability, dominating their opponents for the second straight game. Portland's best surge of the night came behind Joel Freeland, Thomas Robinson, C.J. McCollum, and Mo Williams. That group plus Matthews and Lillard turned an 8-point first quarter deficit into a 6-point lead by the 5:00 mark of the second period. Then both teams re-inserted their starters. Golden State's starters included Curry and that was that. The Warriors buried a bunch of shots and closed Portland's hard-earned lead to a single point. The Blazers led 55-54 at the break.

Saying the bench was Portland's lone bright spot of the evening was a slight exaggeration. The Blazers prospered in one other area during the first half...the single factor keeping them afloat when their defense wasn't working, shots weren't falling, and their rebounding margin wasn't telling. The Blazers ripped the Warriors at the foul line in the first two periods, attempting 15 free throws to just 5 for Golden State. The refs may have been leaning in Portland's direction slightly on 50-50 decisions but we've seen worse. The calls, though frequent, were mostly justified.

But then the worst possible confluence of events hit the Blazers in the third quarter. The officials made three quick calls against Golden State, all of which were semi-questionable and the last of which got the home crowd riled into a mob-like cascade of "we got screwed" booing. The officials responded by rectifying the perceived (and maybe somewhat actual) injustice by swinging calls back towards Golden State. A couple minutes later Aldridge and Andrew Bogut got whistled for double technicals after some arm flailing, downward hacking, and ball throwing. No doubt remembering the Bogut-Freeland fracas when these two teams last met in Oakland the refs began to call the game tightly both ways. This egalitarian approach effectively eliminated the only life ring keeping Portland's starters afloat. The guys in red and black began to slip beneath the water.

The Warriors didn't fare all that well in the third period. Curry hit field goals but his teammates couldn't buy a bucket and had to make a living from the line. The Blazers couldn't even manage to get up a shot on many possessions, committing 7 turnovers in the quarter. The shots the Blazers did sent towards the rim seldom found net. The Warriors took care of business on the boards, preventing second chances. Golden State scored 22 in the period but the Blazers managed only a nightmarish 12. The Warriors led 76-67 at the break...67 being a customary halftime score but nearly unheard of as a third-quarter total for the Blazers this year.

The turnover situation didn't get much better in the fourth period for Portland. Being behind, they pulled Robin Lopez and went with scorers instead. No Lopez equated to no dependable defense. The Warriors took it easy on the Blazers early in the quarter, depending far too much on outside shooting. But they learned their lesson late and started mixing it up with drives and foul shots complementing their three-pointers. The Blazers did have chances. They missed layups which could have been and-ones. They missed triples too. But for the most part they were still trying to win the game with individual shots instead of their usual offense and it just didn't work. Curry draining 2 jumpers in the final 2 minutes sealed the game and the Warriors walked away with the victory.

Give Golden State credit. They may be the first team this season to succeed in keeping the Blazers from hitting threes (6-21, 29%), offensive rebounding (12 but to little effect), and scoring in the paint (26 points total) all at the same time. The Blazers ended up with 33 foul shots to Golden State's 21, but that was it. Portland shot 34% from the field, dished only 16 assists (they average 25), committed 14 turnovers (most in the second half), and of course scored only 88 for the game. Again, fatigue no doubt played a factor but we've seen the Blazers prosper in back-to-backs before. You also have to ask who the Blazers will be when they lose their cool...when things just aren't going right. They've shown that you have to push them pretty far to get them to the breaking point, that a mere dozen-point deficit won't do it. But from time to time this year they've also shown that when they do get to that breaking point they can't seem to remember how they earned their success in the first place. Chances are they'll get to address that shortcoming again as the seeding race tightens in the West.

Individual Notes

I don't usually do full sets of individual notes in a blowout loss (which this ended up being despite the gap being only 15) because individual play seldom matters when the team falls apart. We'll keep this short.

LaMarcus Aldridge had his worst offensive night of the season with that 2-14 clip for 10 points. He did have 11 rebounds.

Nicolas Batum got outplayed to the nth degree by Andre Iguodala. Chris Haynes reports that Batum will have an MRI on Monday for a foot injury sustained against Boston on January 11th but it's precautionary, as Batum has been playing with the condition for weeks

Portland's bigs actually had good games. Robin Lopez had the typical "I'm the only big man on the floor and you're going to pay" moments. We had a Joel Freeland sighting too! Freeland was draining the jumper, rebounding like a fiend, and defended pretty well. 8 points on a perfect 4-4 plus 7 rebounds and 0 fouls in 11 minutes is plenty impressive. Thomas Robinson one-upped Freeland in the rebounding department with 11 boards in 15 minutes but his offensive play wasn't as tight tonight as it has been in the last couple games.

Memphis comes into town on Tuesday night and THAT will be an interesting game. They've won 7 of their last 8 and just disposed of the Rockets back-to-back, plus they'll be rested. They've also held their opponents to 90 points or fewer in 5 of their last 6 and haven't let a team break 100 in the last 2 weeks. Something's gotta give there. Let's see if the Blazers can recoup enough to make sure that the giving comes from Memphis.


Timmay's Instant Recap and GameDay Thread Review. (The latter may be a bit less readable than usual.)

Golden State Of Mind

Your Jersey Contest scores and the form for Memphis are HERE.

Tonight's contest answers were Curry hitting the most threes and the Warriors dominating all the three-point categories. Tbone took this game easily by betting big against the Blazers, scoring 91 of 100 possible. We have a new leader in the overall standings with Ledhed889 displacing MavetheGreat but there's still one game to go this month and the lead is narrow...

--Dave (blazersub@gmail.com) @DaveDeckard @Blazersedge

//www.chasebar.com/2014/1/26/5349420/portland-trail-blazers-vs-golden-state-warriors-stephen-curry-damian-lillard 戴夫·迪卡。 2014 - 01 - 26 - t20:26:42喂饲 2014 - 01 - 26 - t20:26:42喂饲 决赛:勇士以103-88击败开拓者
”“src=”https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/U1IXE48S4o4v0qN_sl3vD3VgZMo=/0x0:4000x2667/1310x873/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/27524449/20140126_mjm_se9_136.0.jpg“/《今日美国体育报》Cary Edmondson














感谢所有参加今晚游戏日主题的人!与往常一样,以下是最受欢迎的评论,这些评论是根据其粉丝的评论数量得出的:评论链接http://www.sbnation.com/users/Timmay!">蒂姆梅 最后,愚蠢的mods会让我们独处 12评论今晚的咖喱会很冷。10NorsktrollEasily Lillard 9 mittsabishy trob 7 colbymac Blazers are 33-11 when I drink in the first half; However, Blazers are 33-0 when I drink in the 2nd half! 7 hoodieNation yay! no mods here tonight! 7 Beau & Darrow My lady says she is enjoying this season because I am a lot less cranky 6 T Darkstar Dang, I'm totally missing this game. 5 TreesNThrees First! 5 Blazing Chargers Go Trail Blazers!! 5 Mantre7179 Go Portland Trailblazers!!! 5 colbymac I can't wait for the game to start so i can eat my burrito. 5 occassia I care. 5 bustabucket Go Blazers! 5 Mortimer YOUR FAITH!!! 4 Siccolo McCollum 4 occassia Based on my own studies, 4 occassia #silly 4 RipCityLifer! Just got back from Hometown Buffet. I pretty much stuffed myself. Seemed like a good idea earlier. Not so much now. 4 fairclo Here in Thailand 4 RoodiePhirnandizz The Hometown Buffet by me closed down. 4 Siccolo your studies are way off 4 pianomaster00 I played this matchup today in NBA 2k14 today 4 Norsktroll If not, you could write one about your date 3 RipCityLifer! Damian. The Oakland thing. 3 Comments LaMarcus. Lee always leaves after playing LaMarcus with this look on his face that says " So thats what a Power Forward looks like. Woah..." 3 RipCityLifer! You know what would be a good name for a weird little Portland indie rock band? Jack Ramsay's Pants. 3 bustabucket Dame goes ham! 3 superfly05 I predict it's Lillard 3 MiledAnimal [no title] 3 Roadblazer zing 3 RipCityLifer! WE'RE NOT DOWN 15! 3 Uncleblaze3 Thank goodness, everytime you miss a game we win 3 RipCityLifer! plus, we can talk about him after he leaves 3 hoodieNation that's a foul Kevin 3 RipCityLifer! maybe he's saving a "special" foul for him. 3 colbymac Gonna go with Wes 3 colbymac dame it! 3 mittsabishy then what are you now? 3 occassia See? You've already strayed so far 3 CyclonicWinds Rec'd this for truth. 3 colbymac [no title] 3 PortlandPhil Have to credit Freeland with some good D and rebounding tonight as well 3 Roadblazer I believe the name.. //www.chasebar.com/2014/1/26/5348358/final-warriors-burn-the-blazers Timmay ! 2014 - 01 - 26 - t19:05:48喂饲 2014 - 01 - 26 - t19:05:48喂饲 聊天:奥克兰中场休息时什么都没解决!

Soobum Im-USA TODAY Sports

Welcome to the Gameday Open Thread at Blazer 's Edge!这是一个和你的粉丝朋友们一起享受今晚庆祝活动的地方。就像你在当地的酒吧看一场比赛一样,但最好不要用语言。预计会有一些分歧,以及相当程度的情绪变化。但我们会一起度过难关的。

Watch: League Pass | CSN NW
Listen: NBA Audio League Pass 620am
Links:< a href = " http://www.nba.com/gamenotes/blazers.pdf " target = "新" >媒体指出< / > < a href = " //www.chasebar.com/2013/10/29/5044302/the - 2013 -指导- - - - - - -看- - - -开拓者- -电视和在线“目标=“新”>查看指南< / > < a href = " https://twitter.com/blazersedge " target = "新" >在推特上更新< / > < / div > < p >----------------- < divclass="m-entry__body"> Injury Updates: yet, check here for further Updates。< br > < / div > < div class = " m-entry__body " > < br > < / div > < p >----------------- < p >通常Gameday线程规则适用:< / p > < p > 1。没有咒骂< br > 2。 No pictures
3. No discussion of unlicensed Internet streaming
4. Be cool to each other!

Hang out and enjoy the game! -- Tim

//www.chasebar.com/2014/1/26/5346718/gameday-thread-blazers-vs-warriors-second-half Timmay ! 2014 - 01 - 26 - t16:30:02喂饲 2014 - 01 - 26 - t16:30:02喂饲 聊天:今晚与勇士队的回归日期!
Kyle Terada-USA TODAY Sports

欢迎来到Blazer 's Edge的Gameday Open Thread !这是一个和你的粉丝朋友们一起享受今晚庆祝活动的地方。就像你在当地的酒吧看一场比赛一样,但最好不要用语言。预计会有一些分歧,以及相当程度的情绪变化。但我们会一起度过难关的。

Game Time: 6pm
Watch: League Pass | CSN NW
Listen: NBA Audio League Pass 620am
Links:< a href = " http://www.nba.com/gamenotes/blazers.pdf " target = "新" >媒体指出< / > < a href = " //www.chasebar.com/2013/10/29/5044302/the - 2013 -指导- - - - - - -看- - - -开拓者- -电视和在线“目标=“新”>查看指南< / > < a href = " https://twitter.com/blazersedge " target = "新" >在推特上更新< / > < / div > < p >----------------- < divclass="m-entry__body"> Injury Updates: yet, check here for further Updates。< br > < / div > < div class = " m-entry__body " > < br > < / div > < p >----------------- < p >通常Gameday线程规则适用:< / p > < p > 1。没有咒骂< br > 2。 No pictures
3. No discussion of unlicensed Internet streaming
4. Be cool to each other!

Hang out and enjoy the game! -- Tim

//www.chasebar.com/2014/1/26/5346714/gameday-thread-blazers-vs-warriors Timmay !