开拓者优势-全覆盖:开拓者94分,尼克斯90分 波特兰开拓者队的最终报道和分析 https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/community_logos/47543/blazersedge-fave.png 2014 - 02年- 05年- t21:45:45喂饲 //www.chasebar.com/rss/stream/5147739 2014 - 02年- 05年- t21:45:45喂饲 2014 - 02年- 05年- t21:45:45喂饲 视频:LMA钉跳线,凝视斯派克·李 <图> < img alt = " " src = " https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/LeOwykyV6t90gwJuznL8toYCZdQ=/0x458:3126x2542/1310x873 cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/28159749/20140205_lbm_ae5_358.0.jpg " / > < figcaption >布拉德Penner-USA今天体育< / figcaption > < /图> < p >波特兰开拓者前锋阿尔德里奇触及在泰森钱德勒和跳投然后盯着纽约尼克斯队的超级球迷斯派克·李看了一眼。周三,波特兰开拓者队全明星前锋拉马库斯-阿尔德里奇在击败泰森-钱德勒的一记转身跳投中帮助球队以94-90战胜纽约尼克斯队。他对着尼克斯队的超级球迷斯派克·李低头庆祝。< / p > < p > < a href = " http://youtu。be/m8va-SU5W-Y" target="_blank">这里是视频通过YouTube用户frank den。阿尔德里奇在39分钟内拿下15分(17投5中),12个篮板和5次助攻。尼古拉斯-巴图姆为开拓者拿下全场最高的20分(14投9中),并抢下10个篮板。开拓者在这场胜利后将比分提高到35胜14负。

一定要查看Dave的游戏分析(here)和Timmay的 instant recap (here).

——Ben Golliver | benjamin.golliver@gmail.com | Twitter

//www.chasebar.com/2014/2/5/5385196/video-blazers-f-lamarcus-aldridge-nails-jumper-vs-knicks-stares-down 本Golliver
2014 - 02年- 05年- t21:21:53喂饲 2014 - 02年- 05年- t21:21:53喂饲 运动夹克在丑陋中加入了“W” <图> “”



在记分牌没有显示任何在半场结束时太不寻常了。波特兰带领47-46,低分数,但铅......不是太寒酸了客场比赛。但是理货没有透露他们本赛季的半较差的那静静地,在雷达之下,开拓者打了一个。 The Knicks do exactly two things on offense: pass to Carmelo Anthony and shoot jumpers. If they're doing anything besides that you're defending them wrong. And the Blazers were defending them wrong. The Knicks scored on the break and in the paint. They're dead last in the entire league in both categories...a distant last. That the Blazers turned over the ball as well was less surprising--the Knicks' defense can manage that much--but those points added injury to insult. Portland got no offensive rebounds. LaMarcus Aldridge got few clean looks and his shooters couldn't clear space for him with buckets. Portland's bench was worse that putrid on both ends. Wesley Matthews scoring was the only bright spot in a half that had all the hallmarks of an impending collapse. Fortunately for Portland the Knicks are...well...not very good. Or at least they're not very coordinated offensively. They did a decent job defending and performed well on the boards but couldn't generate enough offense to make the Blazers pay for their mistakes.

The second half was no great shakes, really. But the Blazers did get back to Portland basketball a little. Robin Lopez made his presence felt on the offensive glass. The Blazers got back on defense and crowded the paint so the Knicks couldn't get inside. The ball actually moved on Portland's end...and not just into the hands of waiting Knicks defenders. We saw a couple of three-pass court reversals for corner threes, a staple of Portland's pre-Christmas offense but a scarce commodity since. In the fourth period Aldridge started hitting, icing the game down the stretch with his jumper. Even the bench passed well and played smarter offensively. New York made a monster run off of Portland turnovers at the top of the fourth period and a smaller one off of a couple made threes at the end of the game, but the Blazers kept the margin intact and, for the most part, beyond a single possession. Portland walked away with the win, 94-90.

You can get the flavor of this game by looking at the field goal percentages for both teams: Portland 38%, New York 40%. This was hardly a thriller. Both teams contested but both teams also missed open shots. The Blazers built their edge in familiar fashion. They shot 8-21, 38%, from the arc against 4-21, 19% for the Knicks. That shouldn't be overlooked, as Portland's margin on threes has been slim or non-existent recently. The Blazers also drew more foul shots than New York, 33-20. Portland ended up +12 at the line. After almost zeroing out the first half in offensive rebounds Portland posted a massive second, finishing the game with 12. Once the Knicks had to guard Aldridge plus three-point shooters the space under the basket opened up. New York had 15 offensive rebounds themselves, though. Portland also stopped the leak in transition, leaving New York with only 7 points for the game, a total which the Blazers matched. Points in the paint went to New York, 30-20. The concerted lane attack that we've seen from the Blazers over the last couple weeks was not in evidence tonight, replaced by jumpers and getting fouled.

The Blazers did do a reasonably good job of guarding Carmelo Anthony. He scored 26 but took 28 shots to get there. Both star forwards--Anthony and Aldridge--had moments but they looked like they were playing in slow-motion much of the game. Both feasted on jumpers. When they did take the ball inside Anthony's need to hook in order to get free and Aldridge's corresponding need to push off with the forearm were on full display. The matchup between the headliners ended up evoking the question, "Why should we watch you guys again?" Then again, that could have described the whole game. Both teams have had better outings. Funnily enough, the national broadcast on ESPN followed suit with announcers making frequent mistakes and making odd observations. Apparently it wasn't a fun night for anybody. But the "W" still goes in Portland's column.

Individual Observations

The Knicks double-teamed LaMarcus Aldridge early and often but we've seldom seen Aldridge respond to that pressure as poorly as he did in the first half. He attempted covered shots outside of his range and rushed all of his open shots, creating a symphony of clangs on the iron that would have done any blacksmith proud. The floor spreading in the second half allowed him to recover his composure and he was steadier through the latter stages of the game, hitting a jumper with 35 seconds left to push Portland's lead to 4 and force the Knicks into hurry-up mode. Aldridge finished the game with 15 points on 5-17 shooting but, as is typical of him this season, he also posted 5 assists and 12 rebounds.

Damian Lillard's most striking plays in this game were turnovers. He only committed 4 but they were enough to make you question his passing ability. He shot 4-12, 1-6 from distance, attempted only 5 free throws, and finished the game with 12 points, 5 rebounds, and 4 assists...not his best evening.

Nicolas Batum had a busy night, probably the best of any Trail Blazer. He guarded point guards and the occasional wing as Portland switched up defensive looks but the Blazers didn't have him take the main responsibility for Anthony. He responded with 20 points on 9-14 shooting, 2-5 from beyond the arc, 20 points, 10 rebounds, 3 assists, and 4 turnovers. It was the clearest Batum sighting in a long time.

Wesley Matthews was the bright spot in the first half, hit a trio of triples, and tried to make life harder on Anthony...succeeding a few times. 6-15, 3-6 from distance for 18 points plus 7 rebounds. Here's the asterisk, though. Matthews' best shots always come on catch-and-shoots. He was shooting, and hitting, plenty of other kinds of shots in that nice first half. But I can almost guarantee that the opponent doesn't really mind that no matter how much Matthews scores because:

A. Many nights he's going to miss those shots. And more importantly...

B. Those plays do nothing to move the defense or break containment. The opponent can guard Wes off the dribble with one man, keeping tight coverage on everyone else. As many shots as Matthews hit, New York never budged. Catch-and-shoot threes off of ball movement makes them move.

The Knicks took Robin Lopez out of the game entirely in the first half. They're a jump-shooting team to begin with. When they did enter the lane it was either in transition (when he was far behind) or after having moved him. Tyson Chandler moved him around when they were matched up. Mostly the Knicks left a small guy to watch Lopez on defense, saving their big men for Aldridge. Lopez couldn't make them pay on his own and the Blazers couldn't move the ball to him in order to help. Robin came roaring back in the second half with those rebounds, 5 offensive boards providing his stat of the night. Also important, Lopez went 7-8 from the foul line after having spent much of the game committing more fouls than he drew. 9 points on 1-5 shooting, 7 rebounds, 3 blocks, 3 turnovers, 4 fouls.

10 points looks good on Mo Williams' stat line, especially with the bench starved for scoring (and managing only 20 tonight total). But Mo's opening shift was among the worst we've seen from any experienced player on the team this year. Turnovers, forced shots...ugliness abounded. Mo benefited as much as anyone from the spread floor in the second half. Finally he found space to get up shots and even hit a defense-stretching three of his own. He shot 2-7 with 3 rebounds, 2 assists, and 2 turnovers in 20 minutes.

Joel Freeland played 14 minutes with 3 rebounds and 2 personal fouls...not his best showing but not his worst. The Knicks go smaller than most and weren't able to exploit him.

Tonight's game saw two rotation returnees. Dorell Wright got the call to defend Anthony and stroke the long ball. He didn't do either that well but "not well" is better than some of his bench mates so it's probably a wash. He shot 1-4, 1-3 on triples, and scored 6 points with 2 assists, 2 fouls, and a steal in 13 minutes. C.J. McCollum did not play tonight.

Meyers Leonard also poked his head out for 9 minutes. Unfortunately he got scared and retreated to his comfortable bench home which means 6 more weeks of really bad defense from him. 3 personal fouls, a turnover, a rebound, and a bucket for him in those 9 minutes. Thomas Robinson did not play tonight.

Judge for yourself whether rotating in the semi-effective Wright for the semi-effective McCollum and the non-effective Leonard for the only-occasionally-effective Robinson is a smart move or just exchanging one kind of "doesn't work" for another.

Now...the "W" is in the column but the gloves come off with games against Indiana and Minnesota over the weekend. The great thing about this game is that it makes a win in one of those other two cities count more instead of just making up for the game the Blazers threw away here. That's the value of winning, ugly or not.

That said, if the Blazers don't shake off some of this ugly, winning in either place seems like a stretch.

Boxscore (Might just as well skip it and count the final score only.)

Timmay's Instant Recap and List of Famous People who Lit Up Our Gameday Thread (#internetpopularityrules)

Posting and Toasting will wonder why neither of those things happened much tonight.

Your Jersey Contest scores and the form for Friday's game can be found HERE. Answers for tonight: Anthony scores 26, Portland's bench scores 20, Aldridge gets the most rebounds per minute, and the Knicks field the leading scorer.

Be sure to follow the hilarity at Dave's Twitter account @DaveDeckard and keep up with everything at the site @Blazersedge Also make sure to check out the new VideoCast, now formatted shorter and coming at you more frequently! This edition will also clue you in on some of the concerns we saw tonight and some of the ways the Blazers relieved them in the final two quarters.

If you're going to buy and donate tickets for Blazer's Edge Night, sending underprivileged kids to a Blazer game in March, you'd better do so soon or your opportunity will be...gone. Details are HERE, including how to donate and make the year better for someone in need.

--Dave (blazersub@gmail.com)

//www.chasebar.com/2014/2/5/5385016/portland-trail-blazers-vs-new-york-knicks-carmelo-anthony-damian-lillard 戴夫·迪卡。 2014 - 02年- 05年- t19:36:35喂饲 2014 - 02年- 05年- t19:36:35喂饲 决赛:开拓者以94-90击败尼克斯 <图> “”




上半年:我们学到什么新东西。我们再次了解到,波特兰开拓者队的首发是显著优于板凳(其特色Leonard和赖特今晚)。我们再次了解到,安东尼可以得分的水桶。我们再次了解到,没有一个队是防守重地,虽然开拓者没有确定。我们再次了解到,一些日子,莫 - 威廉姆斯看起来并不好上了法庭。 We re-learned that sometimes, Portland is just sloppy on the road. The Blazers somehow barely led at halftime anyway.

Portland 47, New York 46

Very frustrating to watch. Nico looks good though.
by gtbassett

Third Quarter: More of the same, as the Knicks quickly pulled ahead in the third quarter. But Carmelo couldn't keep scoring all their points, and Portland slowed down the New York offense. At the other end, Aldridge continued to miss shots, but his free throws were going down fine. When Dorell Wright hit three free-throws after a foul, the Blazers pulled ahead by double-digits.

So I was sitting in my living room and we were losing. I went to the kitchen to make myself dinner and the Blazers make a run. I come back to the living room and we can't score. I guess I'm watching the game from the kitchen.
by Blazing Chargers

Fourth Quarter: It took one minute for the Knicks to close to within 5 points. Then the Blazers promptly turned it over. They got a steal... then turned it over again. Soon the lead was down to 4 as the bench continued to struggle. Portland didn't score for their first 12 possessions, a disastrous run that pulled New York within 1. As the Knicks started missing shots, Portland had a shot to pull away again... then they started missing free throws. They held a 7 point lead with 5 minutes left, and 6 with 3 minutes left. The Blazers finally got a break, but Matthews missed a layup on the break. Batum's jumper pushed the lead to 7 with 2 minutes left, then made it 8 with a minute left. \

All over right? Of course not. The Knicks missed, but the Blazers gave up an offensive rebound, then a three, then they turned it over and promptly gave up another three, all in 14 seconds. Suddenly the lead went from 8 to 2 with 50 seconds left. Portland went to Aldridge, who pulled up for a turnaround on Tyson Chandler. Swish. With 35 seconds left, the Knicks gave it to Carmelo, but he was well defended in the lane and missed. Portland attempted to turn the ball over twice, but eventually realized they had two timeouts, and took one. The Knicks fouled with 15 seconds left, and the Blazers pulled ahead by 6... and Batum fouled Smith on a three-pointer at the other end. The Blazers seemed almost allergic to putting the game away. Lillard was fouled, and made one to finish it.

What's Next:

Another night off for the Blazers, who play in Indiana Friday night, another game on ESPN. Stay tuned later for more analysis of this game from Dave.

Gameday Thread Comments of the Night:

Thanks to everyone who participated in tonight's Gameday Thread! As always, here are the most popular comments, based on the number of Rec's from their fellow fans:

# Recs Commenter Comment Link
10 T Darkstar Take a bite out of the Big Apple!
9 RipCityLifer! next time, just fax your comment in.
7 MiledAnimal I want the Blazers to beat the Knicks so bad that James Dolan hires Isiah Thomas just so he can fire him again.
7 Luke Bogue First!
7 Timmay! Why does LMA pass to Batum? If Batum wants it, he can take it himself.
6 williamswonder GO BLAZERS!
5 Timmay! With a tear in my eye, i think I spotted actual Blazer Basketball.
5 williamswonder Go Trail Blazers!!
5 annthefan Go Portland Trail Blazers!!!
4 eloi A can of Pringles can stay vertical and won't fall for bad pump fakes.
4 MiledAnimal Time for a few recap headline suggestions.
4 bustabucket Go Blazers!
3 T Darkstar Ball movement!
3 williamswonder quiz: what is felton most likely to drop fifty of?
3 MiledAnimal I like one thing about Felton very much:
3 RipCityLifer! Felton went to the floor, must be some corn nuts down there
3 Timmay! I'm a bit saddenned that ESPN is trying to have "small market Wednesday" on NBA coverage
3 MiledAnimal The core of that Big Apple team is rotten and wormy!
//www.chasebar.com/2014/2/5/5384374/final-blazers-knock-off-the-knicks-94-90 Timmay ! 2014 - 02年- 05年- t18:08:17喂饲 2014 - 02年- 05年- t18:08:17喂饲 开拓者半场输给尼克斯!
Jaime valdes - usa TODAY Sports

欢迎来到Blazer 's Edge的Gameday Open Thread !这是一个和你的粉丝朋友们一起享受今晚庆祝活动的地方。就像你在当地的酒吧看一场比赛一样,但最好不要用语言。预计会有一些分歧,以及相当程度的情绪变化。但我们会一起度过难关的。

Watch: ESPN | CSN NW | No League Pass!
Listen: NBA Audio League Pass 620am
Links:< a href = " http://www.nba.com/gamenotes/blazers.pdf " target = "新" >媒体指出< / > < a href = " //www.chasebar.com/2013/10/29/5044302/the - 2013 -指导- - - - - - -看- - - -开拓者- -电视和在线“目标=“新”>查看指南< / > < a href = " https://twitter.com/blazersedge " target = "新" >在推特上更新< / > < / div > < p >----------------- < divclass="m-entry__body"> Injury Updates: 查看任何新闻。< / span > < br > < / div > < div class = " m-entry__body " > < br > < / div > < p >----------------- < p >通常Gameday线程规则适用:< / p > < p > 1。 No swearing
2. No pictures
3. No discussion of unlicensed Internet streaming
4. Be cool to each other!

Hang out and enjoy the game! -- Tim

//www.chasebar.com/2014/2/5/5383710/gameday-thread-knicks-vs-blazers Timmay ! 2014 - 02年- 05年- t15:31:00喂饲 2014 - 02年- 05年- t15:31:00喂饲 聊天:下午5点在ESPN上看到开拓者和尼克斯!

Welcome to the Gameday Open Thread at Blazer 's Edge!这是一个和你的粉丝朋友们一起享受今晚庆祝活动的地方。就像你在当地的酒吧看一场比赛一样,但最好不要用语言。预计会有一些分歧,以及相当程度的情绪变化。但我们会一起度过难关的。< / p > < div class = "阅读更多“>游戏时间:< b > < / b >下午五点!
Watch: ESPN | CSN NW | No League Pass!
Listen: NBA Audio League Pass 620am
Links:< a href = " http://www.nba.com/gamenotes/blazers.pdf " target = "新" >媒体指出< / > < a href = " //www.chasebar.com/2013/10/29/5044302/the - 2013 -指导- - - - - - -看- - - -开拓者- -电视和在线“目标=“新”>查看指南< / > < a href = " https://twitter.com/blazersedge " target = "新" >在推特上更新< / > < / div > < p >----------------- < divclass="m-entry__body"> Injury Updates: 查看任何新闻。


The usual Gameday Thread rules apply:

1. No swearing
2. No pictures
3. No discussion of unlicensed Internet streaming
4. Be cool to each other!

Hang out and enjoy the game! -- Tim

//www.chasebar.com/2014/2/5/5383668/gameday-thread-blazers-vs-knicks Timmay !