西装外套的优势 - 完全覆盖:2014年NBA全明星周末 波特兰开拓者队的最终报道和分析 https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/community_logos/47543/blazersedge-fave.png 2014 - 02 - 16 - t23:09:40喂饲 //www.chasebar.com/rss/stream/5170113 2014 - 02 - 16 - t23:09:40喂饲 2014 - 02 - 16 - t23:09:40喂饲 全明星赛后,莱斯,哈维·大满贯布鲁克斯 <图> “src Derick E. Hingle-USA今天的运动

Portland Trail Blazers颜色评论员Mike Rice和Antonio Harvey在Oklahoma City Thunder Coachs拍摄拍摄在Twitter上,在新奥尔良在新奥尔良在新奥尔良的游戏中。

Portland Trail Blazers颜色评论员 Mike Reen Antonio Harvey 在俄克拉荷马州拍摄在新奥尔良周日在新奥尔良的2014年全明星游戏之后,City Thunder教练斯科特·布鲁克斯东部击败了西部163-155。

Brooks播放了凯文杜兰特35分钟,MVP候选人得分38分(14英寸 - 27次拍摄,从深度拍摄6英寸 - 17次拍摄)比赛。杜兰特的17次尝试设定了一个新的全明星游戏记录,超过了11的旧标记。

同时,燃烧器前进拉卡马斯aldridge占四分(2-fo-9拍摄)和五个篮板在13分钟内,虽然西红柿守卫达米安Lillard在他的第一个职业全明星游戏中排名九分钟(3英尺拍摄)。Lillard在西队中的任何人都玩过了第二次只有35岁的Dallas Mavericks前进Dirk Nowitzki在游戏之后播放了更少的时间。

在游戏结束后,米饭提供了这些想法:“杜兰特需要17 [三分球和] Lillard戏剧[九分钟]。那是公牛 -----. Hope everyone remembers [the] next time [the] Blazers play [Scott] Brooks."

Here's a look at Rice's tweet.


Harvey's take: "Scotty Brooks? I'm calling b#ll$h!t on the rotations in [the All-Star Game]?"

He then compared the minutes handed out to the top six guys in the rotation compared to the bottom six.


Despite their limited roles, both Aldridge and Lillard were in good spirits after the game and expressed no ill will towards Brooks.

"It was fun," Aldridge said. "I definitely had my opportunity to score. I didn't make many shots. I think I played more minutes. How many did I play? 14 minutes? That's an All-Star Game high for me. It was fun. The whole weekend was fun, I had fun with the activities and the things for the fans. A good weekend."

Lillard added: " It was a great experience for me. Playing in this game today, that's the ultimate goal to be in the All-Star Game, playing with LeBron James, Kevin Durant, Chris Paul and Blake Griffin. I enjoyed myself.

"I understand [that minutes are] a seniority thing. You've got guys that are producing at the same level that I am for my team and they've been here five times already. They're going to be on the floor. That's a respect thing and that's the way it should be. If I'm ever a five-time or four-time All-Star and a first-time All-Star comes in and plays more minutes than me, or finishing the game over me, I'm not going to like that. I respect it."

Brooks had this to say about managing his team's minutes during his post-game comments.

You can't please 12 starters. But 12 players deserved to start, deserved to play minutes, deserved to get fourth quarter minutes, deserved to get play calls. You just can't. You just try to do your best. You try to give the respect of the veteran guys, the starters, and the guys that have been here multiple years. And then some guys you talk to before, they might be banged up, you don't want to throw them out there and play extra minutes. But it's hard. It's hard. It's stressful. At the same time it's exciting to be around 12 of the greatest players in the conference.

Two years ago, Aldridge was unhappy with his playing time during his first career All-Star Game appearance, in which he tallied four points in less than 10 minutes of action, the third-fewest minutes for the West that year. Brooks was also the coach of that game.

After the game, Aldridge addressed a small group of reporters in the Mixed Zone media area, saying that he was as surprised about his playing time as everyone else. He said multiple times that he "definitely" expected more run.

"8 minutes? 9 minutes? I definitely did... I thought I was going to play more. It's fine though. I had fun."

Aldridge said that the last time he can remember playing so little was the 2006-2007 season, when he averaged 22 minutes a night, mostly off of the bench.

"My rookie year. When I was playing behind Zach Randolph," Aldridge said. "I haven't played that amount of minutes in a long time. It's an All-Star Game, it was my first one."

Brooks said that year that he simply had his hands full getting everyone into the game.

"That's the toughest thing about being in this position," Brooks said of managing minutes. "There's 12 guys that are deserving. Such elite, select company to be one of the 12 All-Stars. This is his first time of many. I thought his minutes... he played hard, he played well."

The Blazers and Thunder have completed their 2013-14 regular season series, splitting it two games apiece. The earliest they could play would be the 2014 playoffs.

Aldridge and Durant expressed a mutual respect but also a lack of friendly feelings following a game between the two teams last week.

-- Ben Golliver | benjamin.golliver@gmail.com | Twitter

//www.chasebar.com/5418496/blazers-broadcaster-mike-rice-slams-thunder-coach-cott-brooksover. 本Golliver
2014-02-16T15:00:03-08:00 2014-02-16T15:00:03-08:00 利拉德得了9分,阿尔德里奇得了4分 <图> < img alt = " " src = " https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/pAZhfypnim8FrWzFXhf7EERpZuQ=/0x1307:2588x3032/1310x873 cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/28729875/20140216_pjc_ah6_104.0.jpg " / > < figcaption >德里克·e·Hingle-USA今天运动< / figcaption > < /图> < p align =“中心”> < b >外套的结果2014年NBA全明星赛< / b > < / p > < p >达米安利拉德在9分钟内3投8中,得到9分;阿尔德里奇在13分钟内2投9中,抢下4个篮板,得到4分。这两名玩家都没有任何引人注目的时刻,不会被休闲粉丝记住,他们主要是游戏的背景角色。对双方来说都是一个非常沉闷的夜晚。阿尔德里奇的比赛和他在开拓者的夜晚一样:跳投没有下降,他在内线投了一些球。利拉德只是一个三分的家伙,在这个很多球员都是三分的夜晚。在全明星赛中,他的确为开拓者创造了三分球的新纪录(三分)。




-在第二节,阿尔德里奇在上篮前又丢了两个球。 During a sideline interview, Kobe Bryant sung the praises of Damian Lillard, who hadn't checked into the game yet. He entered at the 7:30 mark, and immediately nailed a three-pointer. Meanwhile, Aldridge left at the 6 minute mark with 4 points and rebounds. With 3:30 left, Lillard launched his patented DEEP THREE... swish. He then exited the game after having scored 6 points.

The West led at halftime with a crazy score of 89-76.

- Aldridge had a very short sideline interview with Chris Webber at the 6 minute mark, and said nice stuff about Lillard. They both entered the game at the 3 minute mark, and both bricked jumpers until Lillard hit a corner three-pointer.

- In the fourth quarter, Lillard left the game at the 11 minute mark with 3 second half points, and Aldridge came out two minutes later with no second half stats.

Scroll to the comments if you're interested in the real-time Gameday Thread reactions to tonight's game!


For the first time in 20 years, there are two Blazers in the NBA All-Star game. Hang out, relax, and chat about the proceedings here! We're opening this thread a few hours early so you can speculate about the game, and laugh at the pre-game entertainment.

Starting time: 5pm (TNT, Live Stream)

The usual gameday thread rules apply. Have fun! -- Tim

//www.chasebar.com/2014/2/16/5406054/gameday-thread-2014-nba-all-tar-game. Timmay!
2014 - 02年- 15 - t16:00:02喂饲 2014 - 02年- 15 - t16:00:02喂饲 利拉德赢得技能比赛,输掉三分和扣篮比赛
“src 鲍勃多尼亚 - 美国今天运动

2014 NBA全星全星周六夜间结果

射击星挑战:当Bosh从半场引起火灾时,由 Chris Bosh 赢得的团队。

技能挑战:波特兰的达米安lillard 与犹他州的 trey burke 赢得了0.1秒的疯狂胜利!本有更多的这里。

三点竞赛: Lillard得分18分,但无法做出决赛。 Marco Belinelli 得分19升级,最终赢得了Bradley Beal的活动,在一个人的头脑比赛中,必须与击打的圆形定居。

扣篮比赛: Lillard在第一轮扣篮的扣篮中击中了一条腿部的小巷,由东方赢得。在第二轮中,他争夺卫冕冠军和波特兰本土痛苦罗斯,他们用嘻哈艺术家德雷克作为道具。在同一天晚上,Sprite(谁赞助扣篮)未退出他们的德雷克商业,尽管扣篮得很好,但Lillard被淘汰了。

关于Damian的待办事项列表:提高他的交叉促销技巧。 - timmay @ blazersege(@bedgetimmay) 2月16日,2014

“src 德里克·宾格尔 - 美国今天运动




在这里聊天并聊聊NBA的全明星星期五晚上活动,包括崛起的恒星挑战,包括西装外套自己的 damian lillard 下午4点:所有星级名人游戏(ESPN)

通常的规则适用,闲逛并玩得开心!——蒂姆。< / p > //www.chasebar.com/2014/2/14/5405864/gameday-thread-2014-nba-all-star-friday-night Timmay!