开拓者边缘-全覆盖:开拓者124,网队80 波特兰开拓者队的最终报道和分析 https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/community_logos/47543/blazersedge-fave.png. 2014 - 02 - 27 - t01:46:08喂饲 //www.chasebar.com/rss/stream/5212765 2014 - 02 - 27 - t01:46:08喂饲 2014 - 02 - 27 - t01:46:08喂饲 媒体报道:开拓者124,网队80
“src Jaime Valdez-USA今天运动

在周三晚上,波特兰赛道Blazers击败了124-80,在Moda Center的Brooklyn Nets,将他们的记录改进到40-18。

波特兰径燃烧器在星期三晚上在Moda Center击败了124-80的布鲁克林网,将记录改善为40-18。

布鲁克林与晒伤的海象的活力发挥作用。该判决足以解释在游戏中展开的狂欢节,这些狂欢节看到在极性对立面的记录能级。燃烧者 - 沿着四大大,突然播放阵容,偶尔包括以前在周边使用的五名球员 - 在一个月内播放松散,如果不是更多的话。网站努力工作并努力,每次传递都有更加困难,每次传递都更加困难。


我的宝贝兄弟,现在是一个全面的本科本科生,在我在大学时,遍布国家拜访我几天后,他只有八岁或九岁。如果我在课堂上读到他后,我的一位朋友们问我兄弟,这次旅行最令人难忘的时刻是出现的。我的兄弟毫不犹豫地回答:“是的,你很酷。你是一个便秘的,超重,风格的失败者。” He then giggled uncontrollably as the near-adults in the room took a minute to decipher the sophomoric wordplay.

That blunt assessment came to mind after watching these Nets. There are polite ways to beat around the bush in assessing their present and future, but a grade school smart aleck unencumbered by parental supervision would do the same job more efficiently, by cutting straight to the gruesome chase: old, overpaid, decrepit, unfocused, apathetic, mish-mashed, directionless and flat out boring. (And if you want to be down with Bad Boy, bleep you too.) Those were the Nets that suffered through a 44-point loss on Wednesday night.

"This is the NBA, games like this happen," Brooklyn coach Jason Kidd explained, after his team matched the third-worst defeat in the franchise's history, which dates back to 1976. To be clear, "games like this" have happened to the Nets only a precious few times over the last 38 years.

Brooklyn, of course, had two days off to prepare for Portland, who entered the evening shorthanded and on the second night of a road-home back-to-back. The Nets didn't even make it to halftime before the game was out of reach, and Kidd pulled the plug on his squad with 18 minutes remaining in the contest. Just chill, you big, red walrus. Rest up a bit before you plot your next move.

"There weren't too many guys who didn't have a terrific game tonight," Blazers coach Terry Stotts said, which was both funny and true.

The 44 points stood as Portland's biggest margin of victory this season, and the Blazers enjoyed season-highs from Will Barton (20 points) and Mo Williams (21 points), plus a career-high from Victor Claver (13 points). The factoid of the night: Barton and Williams, who are making a combined $3.5 million this season, outscored Brooklyn's entire starting five, which is being paid a combined $68.6 million, by a count of 41-35.

"No way against any NBA team should we lose by 40 with the guys we got," said Paul Pierce, one of four recent All-Stars in Brooklyn's starting lineup. "We just didn't show up tonight."

They were punished for the no-show, as Portland's small ball orientations strung together sequences that recalled the team's early season successes. Portland moved the ball one and sometimes two steps ahead of the defense, they found opportunities to turn defense into offense, they outworked Brooklyn in every facet of the game, and they accumulated numerous highlight plays along the way.

Barton catalyzed with his passing and he finished with his slamming. He was a veritable one-man highlight reel, lasering a pass to Nicolas Batum through traffic, throwing down a two-handed putback dunk off of a missed layup in transition, and completing multiple alley-oops. Portions of the Moda Center were cheering his name by the game's conclusion.

"I like to think I'm the people's champ," Barton grinned. "I think the fans really love me here and I love them back."

There are times and places to discuss the shortcomings in Barton's unpolished game or to bemoan the up-and-down nature of his contributions in a limited role during his two-year career. This is not that time and place. Instead, the day's focus should remain on his uncanny ability to free himself for backdoor lobs, as those actions distill his highest basketball virtues -- length, leaping ability, instinct, and fearlessness -- into an action-packed three-second burst. The backdoor lob is one of the game's highest-risk, highest-reward concepts, and it's no surprise that the Baltimore-bred Barton is so magnetically drawn to the idea and so adept at its execution.

"Most of the time guys are falling asleep," Barton told Blazersedge, explaining that his spidey senses start to tingle when Portland enters high pick-and-roll situations. "[Defenders] get caught in that high pick-and-roll, guarding the guy that's dribbling or the big man that's either popping or rolling."

Weakside defenders tend to cheat off of him because he's an unproven offensive threat and because his three-point stroke is woeful. Lakers guard Kobe Bryant, for example, memorably left Barton open by 10 or 12 feet last season, daring the rookie to make him pay for his cheating. It's a sound approach in theory but Barton has developed a counter: rather than knock down an uncontested face-up jumper, he zips to the basket on a timing route looking for a pass over the top.

"Once I see my defender looking at the ball, as soon as I see that, I go right back door because I know he's not looking at me," Barton continued. "It happens a lot."

Twice Williams found Barton for lob finishes behind Brooklyn's defense on Wednesday. Both plays developed so quickly they were over as soon as they had started. After the first lob, Blazers center Robin Lopez, who was sprawled out in front of the team's bench, rode an air bicycle with his legs and pumped his arms to celebrate.

"Thrill said, 'Throw it up, Gotti, I'ma go get it,'" Williams wrote on Instagram after the game, alongside a photo of the two guards chatting during the game.

That cavalier, fun-loving approach was shared by all 11 Blazers who took the court. Claver saw time as a center and a number of Portland's wings played the power forward position thanks to the absences of LaMarcus Aldridge (groin), Thomas Robinson (knee), Joel Freeland (knee) and Meyers Leonard (ankle). The Nets are the league's second-worst rebounding team and do not have All-Star center Brook Lopez, who was lost to a season-ending foot injury; the Blazers' ultra-small approach was therefore able to produce tempo and ball movement without sacrificing much of anything on the inside.

"We had nothing to lose," Blazers guard Wesley Matthews told Blazersedge, when asked how Portland was able to play so loose despite the injuries. "We looked like an AAU team out there. We didn't have any size other than [Lopez]. No one was playing their true positions. We had nothing to lose. Just playing off ball movement, chemistry and it's working for us."

Damian Lillard added: "We've been really spacing the floor and moving the ball. Playing that way has made it easy for a lot of guys who haven't been in the rotation until now. We're just swinging the ball, attacking, playing aggressive. It's easy for us to play that way. We really started to click. ... [When we go small], we just have to fly around a little bit more. On defense, you have to be a little more scrappy, try to get steals, try to get out in transition so that teams can't get set."

How often the small lineups see the court together remains an open question. It's still not clear yet when Aldridge and Robinson will return, and Stotts told reporters that he will revert to his previous minutes allotments once his main rotation guys are back healthy. The coach added that he will feel "comfortable" going small should the need arise, even after some of his troops are healthy again and even though he admitted right off the top on Wednesday night that he didn't see Portland's dominant performance against Brooklyn coming.

"To me, just go out there and ball," Barton said, when prompted for his approach to the juggling lineups. "That's how I came up playing basketball. We never worried about your size or your height or your weight. We just went out there and played."

Here, the Blazers went out and ran their unmotivated opponents completely off the court.

Random Game Notes

  • The attendance was announced at 20,015 (a sellout). Brooklyn owes everyone a refund. The fans who stayed until the end gave the Blazers a standing ovation.
  • Here are the game highlights via YouTube user PortlandTrailBlazers.

  • Blazers coach Terry Stotts can clinch the first .500 season of his six-year head coaching career with a win on Saturday against the Denver Nuggets.
  • The in-game JumboTron stuff was heavily Robin Lopez focused as Wednesday marked the Dairy Queen-style glass giveaway bearing his likeness. There was a skit in which he named his favorite things: Fruity Pebbles, "The Simpsons," cats, etc. There was also the "Robin Lopez Hair Cam" -- where the JumboTron panned the crowd as a cutout of Lopez's hairdo was superimposed over a fan's head. There were also a ton of Lopez signs in the crowd.
  • Signs: "Rim Rockin' Robin," "Give Rolo a Reason to Dance," "Robin, we're happy to call you a Blazer," "It's Lillard time," We [Heart] Rolo," "Sing to me, Robin," "Batum and Robin," "Cut the Nets," "Can I please have your shoes after the game?" "I want a kiss from a Trail Blazers player," "Damian's Da Man," and "Rolocop."
  • There is old school and then there is old school. Gotta love Earl Watson giving the foul with 6.9 seconds and a 45-point lead so that Marquis Teague couldn't sneak in a late garbage bucket. Teague split the free throws, which was his karmic price for not dribbling out the clock. The things you do when your PER is 3.7.
  • Jason Collins, who recently became the first openly gay player in the NBA, played seven garbage time minutes for the Nets. He entered the game without a personalized announcement from the public address announcer and there wasn't any major response from the crowd. I came into the night thinking he might receive a standing ovation under the right circumstances.
  • In light of this week's developments, I'm so glad I never went to the Indigo...
  • Blazers guard Wesley Matthews used the phrase "Make a team sit down" to describe Jason Kidd pulling his starters early. I like it.
  • Here's Will Barton on Victor Claver's ability make a makeshift center: "Victor is a big guy. People don't realize: he's 6-foot-10. He's got some muscle. He's not a thin guy like me. He down there, he can bang. He did a lot of great things. He's so versatile, it's fun playing with a guy like that. He can pass. He can shoot it. Defend. I can't say enough about him."
  • Barton said he was "killing himself" after a scoreless outing against the Denver Nuggets on Tuesday and that he entered Wednesday thinking, "If I get in the next game, I'm going to make the most of it."
  • Under corporate instructions to significantly increase web traffic, The Oregonian -- which has dropped daily coverage and announced plans to unveil a more compact paper format -- seems to have ramped up the quantity of its Blazers-related content recently.
  • One post that went up Wednesday from Sports Editor Seth Prince was entitled "5 Raymond Felton Memes" and included punchlines such as, "Arrested? His wife must have taken the last doughnut," which definitely would have been funny three or four years ago. In response to the post, Jason Quick of The Oregonian wrote on Twitter: "Really? Shouldn't we be above this?"
  • Julian Reed of Rip City Project assesses the job done by Blazers GM Neil Olshey: "Although it's hard to say that Olshey definitively missed on any of his major moves, his image as the orchestrator of the best Portland team in years is probably overblown. Lillard aside, he's never made what might be called a needle-moving move."
  • Congrats to Joe Swide of Portland Roundball Society for getting some well-deserved love from the Willamette Week for his entertaining game recaps.
  • I spent some time analyzing the last 10 years worth of second-round picks right here if you're interested.
  • I enjoyed a nice lunch with Tim Bontemps of the New York Post, one of the top up-and-coming beat writers in the league, on Wednesday. His gamer is right here.
  • The National Anthem and the halftime show were performed by Jordan Brand-sponsored violinist Lee England Jr. He was a big hit. His website can be found right here.
  • Matthews appeared to suffer a right knee injury early in the game but he eventually walked off the court under his own power. After the game, he said the injury was no big deal and nothing to be concerned about.
  • The team is doing a lot of scoreboard watching after games now that the playoffs are approaching so quickly. All eyes were on Rockets/Clippers after this one. A Houston loss enabled Portland to move back into the third seed in the West.
  • Nothing new on the Chalupa/McMuffin front. One of these months...

Terry Stotts' Post-Game Comments

Opening comments

I didn't see that coming. It was a good effort by everybody who played. I thought the turning point of the game was the second group in the end of the first quarter. Mo [Williams], CJ [McCollum], Will [Barton], Victor [Claver] and Wes [Matthews] really picked up the energy, got aggressive. We were undersized but we did a lot of good things during that stretch. We were able to keep going from there. That group really did an important job for us in the first half.

Rebounds, turnaround from last night

Well, Denver's an exceptional offensive rebounding team. That's their strength. I don't know how many shots they missed in Denver, they missed 65, 70 shots, there were a lot of rebounds to be had by both teams. I would have liked to have gotten a few more. Tonight, Brooklyn is not necessarily a strong offensive rebounding team but the fact that they had only one offensive rebound at half was important. I liked the fact that at halftime we had five or six guys with three or more rebounds. Everybody was very conscious of having to rebound the ball. We continued with that. Last night in Denver, it was a good lesson for us. Playing with this lineup, this shorter lineup.

Victor Claver

Victor is a smart player. They went small a lot but even when they had [Andrei] Kirilenko and [Andray] Blatche, in a big lineup, I thought Victor is very smart and defensively he very rarely makes a mistake. He's in the right place at the right time. He's very alert to what's going on, he sees the game. I thought Victor had a terrific game. There weren't too many guys who didn't have a terrific game tonight.

Confidence in using small lineups going forward

I think it's been a mixed blessing as far as being forced to play this lineup. We hadn't played it much. When we did, before L.A. got hurt, it really wasn't outstanding because we hadn't played it much and it required a different mindset. The fact that playing Dorell [Wright] at four and Nic [Batum] at four, it's opening up the court a little bit, this was really the first game that that lineup has been really good offensively. Surprisingly, that lineup has been better defensively than offensively. It's something that in the future if we need to go to it, we can, and feel comfortable about it.

More confidence in reserves like Will Barton

I'm confident in using them. The thing of it is, I'm very confident in the starters. The starters got us off to a 24-5 start. I was very confident with them too. I was never not confidence with [the bench players], just the opportunity wasn't there. When the opportunity is there, they'll get the opportunity. Can I use 'opportunity' one more time in a sentence? If I have an opportunity to.

Ability to move forward rather than tread water without LaMarcus Aldridge

The stretch isn't over. We have a lot of home game and we're playing some teams -- Brooklyn is a playoff team -- but we're playing some teams that are under .500. To get four wins in a row, San Antonio was a close game, getting wins at any time is important no matter how you get them. We have been extremely fortunate for 53 games to start the same lineup and not really be struck by injuries. We're dealing with something now that a lot of teams have had to deal with from the beginning of the season. It's just important to figure out how to win games.

What have you learned about the team while they are playing without LaMarcus Aldridge?

You love asking me that question. You're such an insightful guy, you want to know what's going on. I don't have a new [answer]. I feel like I have a pretty good handle on the team.

Have you learned anything about Will Barton over this stretch?

No. No. Will loves to play basketball. He's a dynamic player. I've said it before, he's made tremendous strides from last year. He's becoming a better player. He's becoming a good pro. Two games ago, Thomas Robinson had a terrific game. I have confidence in these guys. Also -- when L.A. comes back ... L.A. is going to play, I think L.A. is going to play a significant amount of minutes. Those minutes are going to come from somebody else who is playing right now.

Have you learned anything about L.A. since he's been on the bench?

I'm learning a lot about you guys right now.

-- Ben Golliver | benjamin.golliver@gmail.com | Twitter

//www.chasebar.com/2014/2/27/5451610/media-row-report-blazers-124-nets-80 本Golliver 2014 - 02 - 26 - t23:01:40喂饲 2014 - 02 - 26 - t23:01:40喂饲 开拓者击败了网队 <图> “”
海梅伐耳迪兹-USA TODAY体育



当然,篮网并没有使今晚的防守是很难的开拓者。布鲁克林开始了比赛用一个相当简单的进攻计划。他们希望对决的优势。他们想出达米安利拉德不得不警惕有人。任何人利拉德把守,攻击。 It was a decent plan in theory. Since Brooklyn's starters qualify for AARP membership, the practical application of their matchup-based scheme turned out s...l...o...w. Lillard more or less stood his ground as the Nets backed him down, then other Blazers came to bail him out. Having left their tin ear horns at home, Brooklyn's shooters didn't hear the help coming. Or maybe they didn't care. Or sometimes they just missed anyway, one-on-one. Either way the Blazer rebounded, ran, moved the ball, made the Nets chase, and scored. Jason Kidd's squad kept trying to pound it inside, shuffling in the occasional dribble drive. The Blazers kept sending them back. Going 0-for-every distance shot they took until the game was out of reach didn't help Brooklyn's chances. The Nets scored 34 points total in the first half. The second half was Super Happy Fun Time for Portland's bench players. They ran up the score like a pinball machine, keeping tempo and spirits high.

As in Denver last night, the anchor of Portland's interior defense was Robin Lopez. It's no secret that after their horrific early season performances defending the paint Portland made adjustments. They've been more willing to give up jumpers, collapsing extra men to watch the middle. Even so, they've suffered from the well-chronicled "Let Robin Do It All" syndrome. At late as last week we pointed out how Lopez's teammates weren't supporting him when he ventured outside the lane to help cut off drivers or extend coverage on screens. Tonight Lopez had plenty of backup. You seldom saw his foot outside the lane without a little buddy edging towards the rim on the other side. This appeared to buoy his confidence, allowing him to take more risks, turning him from a serviceable defender into an aggressive one. He didn't duplicated his septuple-block performance from the Mile High city but Brooklyn didn't get many clean looks at the rim--or even many chances to approach it--either. Where Lopez wasn't Nicolas Batum was. If Batum wasn't there one of the guards filled in. All of a sudden the Blazers looked like a good defensive team. We haven't said that much this year.

Again credit Brooklyn's lack of jump shooting and their bog-standard approach to the offense for helping out. You're not going to see the Blazers look that good against Golden State or Houston. But when you've walked through the desert for so long every oasis looks like an ocean. The water was sweet tonight and so was the victory.

Rehearsing statistics won't tell you more about the victory than that. Plus it would just seem like we were rubbing it in. Suffice it to say that the Blazers won almost everything it was possible to win tonight...handily. What they didn't win (turnovers were more or less even) didn't end up mattering a bit. 124-80 is about what you need to know.

Oh...OK. I'll quote one. Brooklyn's starting five scored 35 points combined tonight. We've seen obscure point guards career-high the Blazers for more than that this year. Plus the Nets put only 3 players in double figures. Their most prolific scorer was Deron Williams with...wait for it...12 points.

Individual Notes

Usually we go into detail about Portland's starters and confine the bench performers to a few words (for obvious reasons). Since this was the Game of the Year for Portland's reserves, let's invert that.

Robin Lopez played all the defense he needed to, made Kevin Garnett look horribly ineffective, and scored 11 with 8 rebounds. Nicolas Batum looked like he was having fun out there for once, notching 19 with a half dozen rebounds and assists. The Nets tried to rough up Damian Lillard early but he just shook it off, got another tattoo, then shot 6-11 for 14 points. He scored 14 because the Blazers didn't need him to score 30. Wesley Matthews shot 3-7 but helped on defense. Dorell Wright shot 1-4 and provided 6 rebounds with 5 assists.

Now for the bench. It's amazing how much better the spacing and shots looked in the absence of semi-clueless young bigs. The biggest guy off Portland's pines tonight was Victor Claver and he knows where to put his feet and how to clear out of the way when somebody else wants to score. All of a sudden the bench guys were shooting in open space instead of traffic. They dished some assists, didn't commit turnovers, and everybody looked good.

The best looking guy of all was Will Barton. He got to throw down dunks, catch alley-oops, hit reverse layups, and make Brooklyn's broadcast team say, "That's not fair!" He shot 8-13 for 20 points with 11 rebounds and 4 assists. He handled the ball down the court and initiated a little offense for the team as well.

If it's a scoring party you know Mo Williams is coming. He's probably the DJ. Mo fired 8-13 for a game-high 21 points with 7 assists to happy, happy teammates and 6 rebounds.

Nobody benefited from the extra clear floor space more than C.J. McCollum. He's been struggling in recent games, jammed up, trying to fire in a crowd with clock pressure. Shooting looked easy again for him tonight. He went 4-8 for 11 butter-smooth points.

If Blazer's Edge reader (and stalwart Spaniard) Amlmart1 pounded a shot every time his countryman Victor Claver scored this season he'd be a teetotaler. But he can get plastered tonight. Claver scored TWO seasons' worth of points in this game, going 5-7 for a baker's dozen. It wasn't that hard. He started at the rim and worked his way out, even managing to hit a triple before the night was done. 5 rebounds and some solid defense didn't hurt his cause. A por ellos!

(Seriously...prior to tonight Claver had totaled 7 points this season. He scored twice as much in this game as in the previous 57 combined.)

Earl Watson even hit a three to close the game. That made Allen Crabbe stand alone. Crabbe got 7 minutes but went 0-4, scoring 0. That's a party foul, my friend.

For those counting, that was 68 points from Portland's bench...or about a week's worth. Playing the Nets every night wouldn't be the worst thing in the world for the young guys.


Timmay's Instant Recap and Gameday Thread Review, now with 444% more Barton references.

NetsDaily will want to pretend that this game didn't happen, no doubt hoping their players will take extra Geritol tonight and bounce back against Denver tomorrow.

Your Jersey Contest scores are HERE. Tonight's answers: Brooklyn's bench scores 45 points, Williams scores 12, Pierce scores 6, and C.J. McCollum's points are greater than Jason Collins' minutes.

Congratulations to ThankYouForBlaze who won the February jersey with 601 total points and a 60.1 per-game average. Honorable mention to Living who averaged 64.3 per game but came in second because he missed a form.

--Dave (blazersub@gmail.com)

//www.chasebar.com/2014/2/26/5452388/portland-trail-blazers-vs-brooklyn-nets-will-barton-victor-claver-cj-mccollum 戴夫·迪卡。 2014 - 02 - 26 - t21:13:04喂饲 2014 - 02 - 26 - t21:13:04喂饲 决赛:西装外套爆炸网,124-80 <图> “”


随着伤病阿尔德里奇,乔尔·弗里兰,托马斯 - 罗宾逊和迈尔斯伦纳德,开拓者联合起来,发挥了真正的团队努力在今晚。他们是由两个替补球员,莫 - 威廉姆斯(21分,7次助攻,6个篮板)和炽热的威尔·巴顿(20分,11个篮板,4次助攻),与尼古拉斯 - 巴图姆的支持(19分,6次助攻的带领下,6个篮板,2次抢断)和达米安利拉德(14分)。



第一季度:的开拓者就出来了强大的,开放的早期13-6领先,使得篮网看起来又老又慢。但篮网贴近,有助于当保罗 - 皮尔斯在意外后场拿出了马修斯的膝盖。正如维克多·克拉夫进来打中锋,开拓者出人意料地回答,马上就要跑一个后取9分的领先优势。


我真的很喜欢克拉弗了很多,但他的进攻非常有限的人,他做了很多的事情,帮助。 His defense is probably one of the best on the team so far too
by RoseCityFinest

Second Quarter: Rough start to the quarter, as after 5 minutes, Portland had outscored Brooklyn, 6-4. It looked like we were in for another long--

Will Barton interrupts this recap to remind everyone he's ready to play. As the Nets looked slow and ill-prepared, Barton took over the game, with highlight dunks, passes, and even a block. With the rest of the Blazers, both bench and starters, heating up behind him, the Nets never knew what hit them. The Blazers scored the last 11 points of the half, to give them their largest halftime lead of the season.

Portland 58, Brooklyn 34

I like Kidd but he should not be a HC this early. They should be killing down low with their height but they want to match jumpers for jumpers. Bad coaching.
by lightskin350

Third Quarter: The Nets came out of the locker room with a renewed effort on defense, continuing to focus on stopping Lillard, and they succeeded. Well, if you count "cut the 24 point lead down to 23" as succeeding. The Blazers responded with great play at both ends, with Batum initiating the offense nicely. Brooklyn called timeout when they quickly fell behind by 29. He went to the bench out of the timeout, who brought more energy and closed the gap to 21 again. Blazers Coach Terry Stotts responded by bringing in his bench, and the hybrid lineup responded by settling the game down, holding a comfortable lead heading into the fourth.

Portland 82, Brooklyn 59

They were only able to shave 1 point off that 24 point halftime lead that quarter, so I’d say that was a successful quarter
by axel360

Fourth Quarter: The Nets made three quick three-pointers to open the fourth quarter, but looked up to see the Blazer lead still at 23. The Nets put on their best effort, but when Barton drove and dished to Claver for a layup, Portland led by 31. Stotts probably looked to clear the bench, only to realize it was nearly empty already. He brought in Allen Crabbe and Earl Watson, and both the fans and the starters relaxed and enjoyed a fun stretch of bench play to close the game, including three-pointers from both CJ McCollum and Victor Claver.

What's Next:

Some rest and hopefully injury recovery for the Blazers, as they hang out in Portland until a Saturday night game versus the same Denver Nuggets we saw yesterday, expect maybe with Ty Lawson.

Gameday Thread Comments of the Night:

Thanks to everyone who participated in tonight's Gameday Thread! As always, here are the most popular comments, based on the number of Rec's from their fellow fans:

# Recs Commenter Comment Link
8 KingWes [no title]
5 thankyouforblaze It's been that way since the beginning of time.
5 MiledAnimal When RoLo blocks one of their shots, he should yell, NYET IN MY HOUSE!
4 axel360 Yep
4 colbymac [no title]
4 Acab I always found it really funny that that's the team name.
4 SlickRick1987 Guys...
3 ParticleAccelerator I'm gonna bust that out on the dancefloor. And when the ladies ask me what I'm doing, I'll say it's the RoLo.
3 ParticleAccelerator LOLOLOL RoLo's celebration! The supine bike pedal!
3 Blazergold Legends Are Born On Days Like THis
3 harmala Saw a chart where he is shooting 60% from beyond 28-feet.
3 colbymac [no title]
3 Idog1976 Go Blazers!
3 Mortimer We're 39 and 18 when he plays!
3 SlickRick1987 /enddurant
3 Timmay! Who's that guy in Kevin Garnett's jersey?
3 Reasonable Approximation Pop's like, "In all my years, I never..."
3 occassia I'm old enough that I can't recall
3 axel360 OKC is 0-3 since the return of Westbrook
3 bowdown GS down 10 in Chicago right now.
3 Timmay! [no title]
2 colbymac lynx, cougars anything of that sort
2 MiledAnimal I finally got fed-up with LPBB and canceled my subscription after the Minny game.
2 merseykersey Blazers dont know what barton is going to do with the ball but remember, Neither does the opposing defense.
2 BlazerTucker Would it give us the right to grab the tallest fan we can find, and put him/her in?
2 T Darkstar Don't tempt them like that!
2 jnewhouse better to be lukey than good
2 tyeforshee Nic makes every Center better
2 lsjogren [no title]
2 T Darkstar Finally got around to picking other teams on LPBB to watch.
2 ferrariford2 The Nets offense are so bad even their fans at their blog site calls it Brokelyn Offense
2 Bradley James McEachern JAMMED IT HOME!!!
2 KingWes Go Portland Trail Blazers!!!
2 gtbassett We could always crowd fund a metaphorical assasination of Blaze.
2 Timmay! Just a quick wow.
2 SlickRick1987 I didn't expect the Spanish Inquisition
2 thankyouforblaze 'The Legend of Young Larry Bird' - Kroll Show
2 KingWes Clavers three missed long!!!! PROGRESS
2 Maximusillian So glad we didnt make a trade at the deadline
2 bustabucket warriors and blunder lose!!!!!!!!!!!!
2 cavejunctionblazer Twiggy Smalls!!!!!!!!!!!
2 T Darkstar Someone wants the NSA to watch their every move.
2 thankyouforblaze we can just call him BiBi Smack Yo.
2 Timmay! I'm in low expectations mode tonight.
2 thankyouforblaze I hope Barton gets on his hands and knees and barks at Garnett.
2 ParticleAccelerator Ref's still bitter about the Spanish Inquisition.
2 Y5k Wore red socks today. Blazers win.
//www.chasebar.com/2014/2/26/5451936/final-blazers-detonate-the-nets-124-80 Timmay ! 2014 - 02 - 26 - t20:09:13喂饲 2014 - 02 - 26 - t20:09:13喂饲 开拓者在半场统治了比赛!
Anthony Gruppuso-USA TODAY Sport

Welcome to the Gameday Open Thread at Blazer’s Edge! This is a place to hang out and enjoy tonight’s festivities with your fellow fans. Treat it as if you’re watching a game at the local watering hole, but hopefully without the language. Expect some disagreements, and a fair amount of changing emotions. But we'll get through it together.

Watch: CSN NW | NBA League Pass
Listen: NBA Audio League Pass 620am
Links: Media Notes Viewing Guide Updates on Twitter


Injuries: LaMarcus Aldridge (groin), Thomas Robinson (knee), Joel Freeland (knee), and Meyers Leonard (ankle) are all out for the Blazers.


The usual Gameday Thread rules apply:

1. No swearing
2. No pictures
3. No discussion of unlicensed Internet streaming
4. Be cool to each other!

Hang out and enjoy the game! -- Tim

//www.chasebar.com/2014/2/26/5448716/gameday-thread-nets-vs-blazers-second-half Timmay !
2014 - 02 - 26 - t17:20:33喂饲 2014 - 02 - 26 - t17:20:33喂饲 聊天:今晚镇上的网!
Anthony Gruppuso-USA TODAY Sport

Welcome to the Gameday Open Thread at Blazer 's Edge!这是一个和你的粉丝朋友们一起享受今晚庆祝活动的地方。就像你在当地的酒吧看一场比赛一样,但最好不要用语言。预计会有一些分歧,以及相当程度的情绪变化。但我们会一起度过难关的。

Game Time: 7:00 pm
Watch: CSN NW | NBA League Pass
Listen: NBA Audio League Pass 620am
Links:<目标= "新" href = " http://www.nba.com/gamenotes/blazers.pdf " >媒体指出< / > <目标= "新" href = " //www.chasebar.com/2013/10/29/5044302/the - 2013 -指导- - - - - - -看- - - -开拓者- -电视和在线“>查看指南< / > <目标= "新" href = " https://twitter.com/blazersedge " >在推特上更新< / > < / div > < p >-----------------伤病:拉马库斯-阿尔德里奇(腹股沟),托马斯-罗宾逊(膝盖),乔尔-弗里兰(膝盖)和迈耶斯-伦纳德(脚踝)都将缺席开拓者的比赛。< / p > < p >----------------- < p >通常Gameday线程规则适用:< / p > < p > 1。没有咒骂< br > 2。没有照片< br > 3。 No discussion of unlicensed Internet streaming
4. Be cool to each other!

Hang out and enjoy the game! -- Tim

//www.chasebar.com/2014/2/26/5448710/gameday-thread-nets-vs-blazers Timmay !