开拓者边缘-完成防护范围:热火93,开拓者91 波特兰开拓者队的最终报道和分析 https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/community_logos/47543/blazersedge-fave.png 2014 - 03 - 24 - t23:16:16 07:00 //www.chasebar.com/rss/stream/5305373 2014 - 03 - 24 - t23:16:16 07:00 2014 - 03 - 24 - t23:16:16 07:00 运动夹克射击时很冷,但仍然无法战胜高温


< P>在常规赛剩下的11场比赛中,A HRIF=//www.chasebar.com/“class=”sbn auto link“>波特兰开拓者队没有秘密。他们知道自己想做什么。他们的对手知道他们想做什么。一个藏在外蒙古山洞里的盲人会知道他们想做什么。他们的进攻计划没有问题。随着3月份的进展,他们执行该计划的能力受到了攻击。今晚开拓者队表现很好…在冲刺中。这几乎足以克服类似的困难https://www.hothothoops.com/“class=”sbn自动链接“>迈阿密热火队。但是你不能在拼写“几乎”时不加上一个“L”,这正是开拓者在热火赛中93-91的得分。










还有11秒,但开拓者没有宣布暂停,他们不希望迈阿密的防守大佬进入比赛,争取最后的控球权。在利拉德和马修斯两人在最后一次射门时(嗯……韦斯?不是你)接过传球后,达米安手里拿着球。他驶过车道的左侧,飞过一名防守队员,并在平局中用低上篮得分。迈阿密队的克里斯·波什(Chris Bosh)——迄今为止,与他正常的、破坏开拓者的自我相比,他相当安静——跳入空中,干净利落地完成了这一尝试,在开拓者们可以再次射门之前,时间已经过了。热火队在第四节取得胜利,波什·曼一路昂首阔步,有力的努力付之东流。

游戏的本质e called for two responses:

1. Heck of an effort, guys! That fourth-quarter comeback was great.

2. You, uh, do know that the Heat were there for the picking and if you had played one and a half quarters of intense, smart basketball instead of just one quarter, you probably would have won the game, right? Or maybe if for five minutes you could have stopped throwing it right into their hands and letting them dunk on the run-out?

But then, that's the 2013-14 Trail Blazers. If it's not close, it's not worth winning.

Credit the Heat defense for holding the Blazers to 38% shooting overall and the aforementioned 28% from the arc. Were it not for 24-27 foul shots made the Blazers wouldn't have broken 80 in this game. The line was their only friend.

Also credit the Heat for knowing Portland's strengths and weaknesses, matching the former and taking advantage of the latter. Miami held the Blazers to 10 offensive rebounds and snagged 13 themselves. They took 10 more field goal attempts than the Blazers did, a big no-no in Blazer Land. They forced those 15 turnovers, scored 52 in the paint to Portland's 26...again these numbers point out that the Blazers did well to get this game to the final minute with a chance to win.

Individual Notes

Damian Lillard scored a team-high 19 points, 21% of Portland's total. But all of that was from the line. He shot 3-15 from the field, 1-8 from distance. The bright spot: 6 assists to 1 turnover. The TO problem didn't belong to Dame tonight.

Nicolas Batum, on the other hand, committed 5 turnovers against 3 assists. Nobody guards LeBron James, so we'll give him a pass on that. Nic had 10 rebounds and 11 points, shooting 3-7 from distance...one of the only Blazers connecting from that range. He also hit the big three--an improbable corner fade--to give the Blazers their shot at winning the game.

Wesley Matthews couldn't buy a three to save his life, firing 3-11 beyond the arc. That hurts.

When we talk about Robin Lopez having a less-than-effective game we're usually mentioning mobile or jump-shooting centers. No such luck tonight. Lopez went up against the completely immobile Greg Oden and the largely non-threatening Chris Andersen. He didn't play worse than they but he didn't play better either. You hardly noticed him...not something we often say of Lopez. He ended up with a quiet 10 points and 8 rebounds in 33 minutes. Oden had 4 and 3 in 15 minutes, Birdman 13 and 11 in 23 minutes. The Blazers went into a zone in the fourth to help keep Robin stationary and contain Miami's paint attack which had been brutalizing Lopez and company all night. The zone worked...until it didn't. Hopefully this kind of game doesn't become a pattern for the usually-feisty Lopez. If the Blazers don't get a nightly dose of Super Robin they're done for.

Dorell Wright didn't get killed by Chris Bosh in the power forward matchup. That's something. Of course Miami ignored Bosh most of the night, but we'll take it. Wright did commit 3 turnovers in 19 minutes of play.

Mo Williams made the most of 32 bench minutes, shooting 5-12 for 17 points...only 2 short of Lillard. He committed 0 turnovers, helping stem the flood.

Thomas Robinson had a good night, scoring 8 with 6 rebounds in 15 minutes. 2 turnovers and 2 personal fouls provided the only black marks on his record. But errors of commission are better than errors of omission in a game where your team struggles with scoring, tempo, and continuity anyway. Robinson helped bust the Blazers out of their rut and into actually competing.

Meyers Leonard? Not so much. And playing Leonard and Robinson together--as the Blazers are now forced to do--is like watching the train barreling down towards the heroine tied to the tracks. You have to hope something changes soon and you're wondering if it'll happen in time.

Then you remember that change means more minutes for Wright at power forward and you throw up your hands in dismay.

Will Barton scored 4 with an assist and a block in 10 minutes.

This loss marked Portland's 7th in their last 10 games. They're now 1 loss ahead of Golden State with 11 games remaining.

The Blazers cruise into Orlando tomorrow night. That game has the potential to be exciting and fun...provided they want it to be.


Timmay's Instant Recap and Gameday Thread Review

Hot Hot Hoops

Your Jersey Contest scores and the form for tomorrow are HERE. Tonight's Answers: Batum plays 40 minutes, Lillard scores 19 points, Blazers win 2 quarters, and Miami fields the leading scorer. smleary87 scored 92 out of a possible 100 for this game. MavetheGreat still leads the month with a 62.6 average over 11 games, 689 points total.

--Dave (blazersub@gmail.com)

//www.chasebar.com/2014/3/24/5545048/portland-trail-blazers-vs-miami-heat-lebron-james-damian-lillard 戴夫·迪卡。
2014 - 03 - 24 - t18:57:00 07:00 2014 - 03 - 24 - t18:57:00 07:00 决赛:热火以93-91击败开拓者 <图> “src

Portland Trail Blazers拍摄了这么糟糕,以至于他们无法成功地在海洋中丢弃一块鹅卵石,但从第四季度的赤字中回来了17分迈阿密的热量,只有在最后几秒钟内留下短(再次)。

燃烧器由Damian Lillard领导,但他的大多数积分来自罚球。超过一半的西装外套射击尝试是三分球,他们占了超过25%的人。这是那种夜晚。

Greg Oden今晚开始为热火,自他的职业生涯改变自2009年12月膝关节伤害以来,在同一个宫廷游玩。




两个团队演奏D-league球与Allstar类的奇怪瞥见。 Anyone’s game [in the] second half.
by hellofromengland

Second Half: The Blazers came out of the locker room in "dumb mistake" mode, with stupid passes and dropped balls leading to repeated turnovers. When they did something right (fouling Oden, who missed two free throws), they allowed LeBron James an open lane for the tip in. When the Blazers weren't turning the ball over, they were missing more three-pointers, while Bosh hit two straight. An Oden dunk gave Miami a double-digit lead, forcing a Blazer timeout. Portland hit enough shots from there to hold the game to a standstill, with Miami leading by 11 after three.

Let's all gather at the airport the next time the Blazers come back to PDX, like when people do that after big playoff wins. Except this time, we’ll all be holding copies of the same sign: "DO NOT PLAY MEYERS LEONARD"
by Corwin71

In the fourth, Lillard, Matthews and the Blazer bench stunk out loud, and Miami jumped ahead by 17 in two minutes. Portland made the obligatory push, using a few Miami mistakes to slowly chip away at the lead through the rest of the quarter. A Batum fadeaway three cut the Miami lead to 2 with 44 seconds left. The Blazers stole the ball on the next Miami possession, and Mo Williams was fouled. He hit both to tie the game with 30 seconds left.

LOL. This team wants to make sure the fans suffer as much as possible when we finally lose
by DP0

You guessed it, LeBron hit a layup to win the game, while the Heat blocked Lillard's attempt at the other end.

Portland is left hoping for a bounce-back game tomorrow night after another rough night.

What's Next:

The Blazers head up the Florida Turnpike to Orlando, where they play the Magic tomorrow night. But in the meantime, stay tuned for Dave's extended analysis of tonight's game.

Gameday Thread Comments of the Night:

Thanks to everyone who participated in tonight's Gameday Thread! As always, here are the most popular comments, based on the number of Rec's from their fellow fans:

# Recs Commenter Comment Link
5 mittsabishy looks like you:
4 occassia None of my Blazers is trash.
3 Ethiel [no title]
3 a fan who flunked gym class Thomas Robinson can get to the rim every time
2 Corwin71 Let's all gather at the airport the next time the Blazers come back to PDX
2 KingWes Oh my god. Meyers has zero basketball awareness.
2 Darn you, darn you to heck! Meyers lets his teammate pass it through his legs.
2 benjamin. Meyers out, big run commin, i can feel it.
2 Sideshowrob Meyers Leonard = not exactly a real basketball player
2 jaelte Just a note
2 philly420pdxhilo I need a birthday win
2 Timmay! The season is definitely too long.
2 hellofromengland Go Trail Blazers!!
2 Roy Wonder I legitimately would not be disappointed if someone were to taser the Miami PA announcer.
2 Eugene Saxe Go Local Professional Sports Team!
//www.chasebar.com/2014/3/24/5544080/final-heat-hold-off-blazers-93-91 蒂姆梅!
2014-03-24T17:37:35-07:00 2014-03-24T17:37:35-07:00 开拓者想要打败热火!


看:CSN NW | NBA联赛通行证


伤害:LaMarcus Aldridge(背部挫伤)脱臼,Joel Freeland(膝盖)至少在常规赛剩下的时间里都是如此。





//www.chasebar.com/2014/3/24/5541348/gameday-thread-blazers-vs-heat-second-half 蒂姆梅! 2014 - 03 - 24 - t15:00:03 07:00 2014 - 03 - 24 - t15:00:03 07:00 挣扎中的开拓者和热火相遇!

Welcome to the Gameday Open Thread at Blazer 's Edge!这是一个和你的粉丝朋友们一起享受今晚庆祝活动的地方。就像你在当地的酒吧看一场比赛一样,但最好不要用语言。预计会有一些分歧,以及相当程度的情绪变化。但我们会一起度过难关的。

tips: 4:30pm
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Links:<目标= "新" href = " http://www.nba.com/gamenotes/blazers.pdf " >媒体指出< / > <目标= "新" href = " //www.chasebar.com/2013/10/29/5044302/the - 2013 -指导- - - - - - -看- - - -开拓者- -电视和在线“>查看指南< / > <目标= "新" href = " https://twitter.com/blazersedge " >在推特上更新< / > < / div > < p >----------------- < p > < b >伤害:拉马库斯-阿尔德里奇(背上挫伤)缺阵,乔尔-弗里兰(膝伤)至少在常规赛剩下的时间里缺阵。< / p > < p >----------------- < p >通常Gameday线程规则适用:< / p > < p > 1。没有咒骂< br > 2。没有照片< br > 3。 No discussion of unlicensed Internet streaming
4. Be cool to each other!

Hang out and enjoy the game! -- Tim

//www.chasebar.com/2014/3/24/5541322/gameday-thread-blazers-vs-heat 蒂姆梅!